Corinne Baldwin

5 Articles


by Corinne Baldwin, Staff Writer. Comments Off on Wesceleb: BENEDICT BERNSTEIN ’09

You may have seen Benedict Bernstein ’09 hanging around the top floor of Usdan, talking (really loudly) about critical theory, the WSA, or how much he loves Obama. Benedict (Benny to those lucky enough to call him a friend) is quite a jolly fellow—always there to offer advice about cooking, especially if it involves a Cuisinart. Benny took a few minutes out of his busy schedule to sit down with me and explain the method behind the man.

Wesceleb: CHRIS CAMPISI ’09

by Corinne Baldwin, Staff Writer. Comments Off on Wesceleb: CHRIS CAMPISI ’09

You’ve probably seen Chris Campisi ’09 mounting his “Wretched Hog” 50 CC Hard Thunder moped, riding away with the hearts of frosh girls the same way he rode in to take them. The only ‘39 year old’ slated to graduate in the class of ’09, Campisi offers a fresh perspective on the term “Power Master.” Let’s see what he has to say for himself.

WesCeleb: Claire Staples ’09

by Corinne Baldwin, Staff Writer. Comments Off on WesCeleb: Claire Staples ’09

If you don’t know Claire Staples ‘09, (or at least know of her) then you probably don’t go to Wesleyan. However, apparently a lot of people only know her because of her distinctive hairdo, which recently changed from a full head of orangy dreadlocks to dreads on top with close crop on the sides. It looks cool. But Claire Staples is more than her hair—she does a lot of awesome things like working for a circus and making really cool art. And she’s a fabulous cook. Read on to find out more.

WesCeleb: Khalif Diouf ’11

by Corinne Baldwin, Staff Writer. Comments Off on WesCeleb: Khalif Diouf ’11

While Khalif Diouf ’11 is certainly a man-about-campus, he also just might be our first WesCeleb who is soon to be an actual celeb. Creating tracks through a collaboration with Harrison Schaaf ’11, Leif has performed with the likes of RJD2, Flosstradamus, Trentemøller, Bunny Rabbit, Rye Rye, White Williams, Mapei and Congorock. Leif has also been gaining some attention from big names like NME and Fader. He’s also one of my favorite people at Wesleyan, and I’m grateful that he granted me some time to ask him lots of formal questions.

WesCeleb: Andrew Walker

by Corinne Baldwin, Staff Writer. Comments Off on WesCeleb: Andrew Walker

Andrew Walker ’09 is the kind of Wesleyan student that you can never catch without a smile on his face. I’ve never seen him frown, scowl, or even look slightly annoyed—and I challenge anybody to provide proof of the opposite. (It can’t be done.) Why does he always seem so happy? How did his hair get so pretty? What are the secrets of Andrew Kelly Walker? He sat down with me this Wednesday afternoon to flash a few smiles and provide some answers.
