The Wesleyan Argus is published by the undergraduates of Wesleyan University. The Wesleyan Argus was founded in 1868 and is the country’s oldest twice-weekly printed college newspaper. The Argus was named after the hundred-eyed, all-seeing giant from Greek mythology. Argus alumni have gone on to write and to work for the country’s top media companies such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, and ABC News.

The University does not publish the Argus or influence its content, nor is it responsible for any opinions expressed in The Argus.

The Argus is published twice weekly during the school year except in exam periods, recesses, wartimes, or global pandemics.

Contact Information:

For editorial concerns, including content questions or corrections, email

For business concerns, including advertising and subscriptions, email


The Argus welcomes Letters to the Editor (formerly known as Wespeaks) for people to share their opinions on topics of interest to the Wesleyan community. The submission deadline for letters to the editor is 4 p.m. on Monday for publication in Tuesday’s issue, and 4 p.m. on Thursday for publication in Friday’s issue. All submissions must be submitted online (as of Nov. 14, 2013). Letters to the Editor are also published online at the time they are put into print.

The Argus reserves the right to edit all Letters to the Editor submissions for length, but will not edit for spelling, content, or grammar. All submissions must be accompanied by a title. The editorial staff may provide titles for any submissions. All letters to the editor should be submitted through the Argus website and should include the author’s name and email address.

The Argus does not accept Letters to the Editor that are submitted anonymously or by a group of individuals without at least one name attached. The Argus also reserves the right to withhold Letters to the Editor that are excessively vulgar or nonsensical, or that constitute personal attacks, defamation, or hate speech.

Website Moderation Policy:

The Argus welcomes thoughtful debate and critique in its comment sections. The goal is to provide a civil forum where all voices can be heard and readers can exchange spirited commentary. Accordingly, The Argus reserves the right to moderate and delete comments. Examples of commentary that will not be tolerated include: personal attacks, defamation, hate speech, commercial promotions, and impersonations. The Argus also reserves the right to ban repeat offenders.

Argus Voices:

The Wesleyan Argus is seeking to offer paid reporting positions to students of color from low-income backgrounds to increase the accessibility of student journalism and take active strides toward making our newsroom more representative of the communities we cover. We want to provide a supportive space for all students interested in journalism and offer a holistic learning experience for all reporters, ranging from basic reporting skills to an understanding of the racist legacy of journalism. Learn more about Argus Voices, here.

Community Guidelines:

To view our Community Guidelines, please download this pdf.

Corrections Policy:

To view our Corrections Policy, please download this pdf.

Quotes Policy

To view our quotes policy, click here.

Diversity and Equity Feedback: 

If you wish to share your thoughts, experiences, or concerns about issues of diversity and equity in The Argus, please reach out to the current editors-in-chief or community managers (whoever you feel most comfortable speaking to), all of whom can be found on our Staff page. Please feel free to offer feedback on our coverage of communities of color on campus, the experiences of staff members in our newsroom, and our presence in the broader community.

Argus Coverage: 

We are in the process of developing new and more accurate systems for monitoring our coverage and maintaining ethics and equity as we do. Please stay tuned!

Archives Policy

To learn more about our archiving policy, please click the link here or reach out to our archivist(s), who can be found on the Staff page.