The Argus welcomes Letters to the Editor (formerly known as Wespeaks) for people to share their opinions on topics of interest to the Wesleyan community. The submission deadline for Letters to the Editor is 4 p.m. on Monday for publication in Tuesday’s issue, and 4 p.m. on Thursday for publication in Friday’s issue. All submissions must be submitted through this form, and must include the name and email of all authors associated with the letter. Letters to the Editor are also published online at the time they are put into print.

The Argus reserves the right to edit all Letters to the Editor submissions for length, but will not edit for spelling, content, or grammar, except when we receive permission from the author. All submissions must be accompanied by a title. The editorial staff may provide titles for any submissions.

The Argus does not accept Letters to the Editor that are submitted anonymously or by a group of individuals without at least one name attached. The Argus also reserves the right to withhold Letters to the Editor that are excessively vulgar or nonsensical, or that constitute personal attacks, defamation, or hate speech.

The views and comments expressed in Letters to the Editor are those of the writer(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect those of The Argus as an institution nor those of any of its staff. Letters to the Editor are not subject to the same editorial process and standards as regular Argus content, and are published under the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief.

(Updated September 2024)


Letters to the Editor
If you are submitting a Letter to the Editor on behalf of a group, you must list both the name of the group and the name of the person submitting the letter (ex. John Smith on behalf of Students for Free Ice Cream). If you do not provide the name at least one member of your group, we will be unable to publish your Letter to the Editor. We are unable to accept anonymous Letters to the Editor. More details can be found in our policies, which are stated above this submission form.

By clicking submit, I acknowledge that this Letter to the Editor will be permanently preserved in the online archives.