In honor of the fall season, we wanted to make something with pumpkin and a generous amount of spices.
“We don’t want fast food, we want slow food,” chanted scores of angry Italians at the opening of a McDonalds in Rome in 1986.
For your faithful Full House dwellers, the arrival of fall means warm drinks, over-sized pumpkins displayed in the common areas, and leaves littered throughout our kitchen.
Today, I bring you an updated version of two classics that couldn’t be simpler or more dorm room friendly—popcorn and beer.
…Lucky for you, the Fruit and Veggie Co-op is back from break as well! Who needs to catch up on sleep when that box of fresh co-op edibles is waiting on your kitchen table?
Mate, pronounced “MAH-tay” in Spanish, is a traditional Latin American tea-like beverage.
There is a new idea out there that is revolutionizing the way college students go about procrastinating. It is called Late Night Baking. And it’s delicious. Late Night Baking typically starts around 9:30 or 10:00 p.m., when you realize that you finished dinner three long hours ago. You decide that the reason you couldn’t concentrate […]
This Thursday, a kind Argus editor brought in half a pint of the already infamous Maple Bacon Ice Cream that Weshop has been offering for the past month.
This past Tuesday, the Wesleyan for Real Ethical Sustainable Habits (WesFRESH) Speaker Series kicked off with a four-person panel about the growing global food movement.
Dulce de leche is possibly my favorite phrase in Spanish. Literally translated, it means “sweet of milk,” but you will soon realize that it is the most addictive, delicious thing you have ever tasted.