From the Asian American Student Collective (AASC) to Wesleyan’s chapter of QuestBridge, Chaiyeon Lee ’22 has continuously shaped student identity and activism groups on campus. Usually her instinct is to take responsibility for bringing people together, but as she enters her last semester she is determined to help younger students start taking the lead. The […]
Welcome to Ask The Argus, a column brought to you by the magnificent Features section! Every once in a while, we bring you the hottest advice from your wonderful, trusty, seasoned editors. This week’s edition is Valentine’s Day-related! Having trouble figuring out what to do for your special someone? Alone on Valentine’s Day? Not really […]
Welcome to “Office Hours,” a series brought to you by the Features section! In these articles, Argus writers speak to faculty, staff, and members of the administration about their interests, classes, and lives on- and off-campus. When Biology and College of the Environment Professor Fred Cohan told me he liked to drive in New York […]
Following a long and restful winter break, students returned to campus this past week excited to get back to life at the University. “Coming back from winter break, especially after Omicron, it did feel a little weird,” Kiana Low ’24 said. “It felt very surreal at the beginning and a little disorienting, but I think […]
After an unexpectedly long break from school, students have been eager to return to campus life. Perhaps none are more eager to return than the 174 students who spent the fall semester living in the Inn at Middletown. Considering that the University has historically required undergraduates to live in the housing options it owns, prescribing a campus-centered lifestyle, […]
If one thing has remained consistent throughout the University’s first semester back in person, it’s sickness. The virus that has most students coughing and sneezing, however, is not COVID-19. Instead, the campus-specific illness, affectionately dubbed WesPlague, has taken the student body by storm. Whether it has infected you, your friends, your classmates, or your professors, WesPlague […]
One of the best known faces to students even before they enroll at the University, Caroline Pitton’s ’22 smiling face framed by her famous bangs is plastered on the wall of the admissions office, where she can frequently be found when she is not working in a research lab, TAing, or singing. The Argus caught […]
Adjusting to college is never an easy task. Learning to balance workload and social well-being, dealing with homesickness, and living in a new environment can pose challenges for everyone. While programs like New Student Orientation (NSO) aim to make the transition to life at college smoother, some students—whose backgrounds may magnify these challenges—require additional support. […]
Welcome to Ask The Argus, a column brought to you by the magnificent Features section! Each week, we bring you the hottest advice from your wonderful, trusty, and seasoned editors. Having trouble making friends? Is your relationship falling apart? Struggling with time management? Wondering how many squirrels are secretly living in your wall? Don’t fret: […]
The pandemic not only prevented students from traveling through the University’s study abroad program, but also inhibited foreign exchange students from coming to Middletown. During the 2020-2021 academic year, international students had trouble obtaining visas and hesitated to travel due to COVID-19. As a result, the University hosted only one undergraduate exchange student and no foreign language teaching assistants […]