On September 20, 2024, a group of students organizing in support of Palestine staged a short, peaceful sit-in inside a conference room in North College. In reaction to the sit-in, the University called the Middletown Police Department and placed five students in handcuffs stating they were under arrest. The students were detained by the police […]
A professor of mine once told me a story of when he saw a famous jazz artist perform at a club in front of four people. He described the experience before posing a question: does the lack of a crowd invalidate the artist’s music and performances? While I’m nothing close to a jazz legend, it’s […]
America and the world have reached a tipping point. Quo vadis, America, human race? Americans are in a negative mood about the current state of the country, with large majorities expressing dissatisfaction with the economy and overall national conditions. And when they look toward the not-too-distant future, they see a country that in many respects […]
The CIR has seen the Board of Trustees’ recent decision to not divest from assets associated with Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine, and respects their right to reject the divestment proposal that was sent to them on Aug. 15. The CIR understands that the proposal, and the Board of Trustees’ decision, are each divisive in […]
On Friday, September 20th, student protestors peacefully occupied a board room in North College to express their frustration with the administration’s slow response to the Committee for Investor Responsibility’s recommendation for divestment from companies complicit in Israel’s military attacks on Gaza. In response to this peaceful protest, within minutes the administration called the Middletown Police, […]
FJP condemns the subjection of 5 Wesleyan students to detention and threats of suspension and expulsion while exercising their fundamental right to protest the university’s complicity in Israeli apartheid and US-funded genocide in Gaza and the West Bank. We reaffirm what had, up until Friday, September 20, seemed to be a shared commitment to keeping […]
We, faculty members at Wesleyan University, fully support the Wesleyan Graduate Student Union (WesGLU) in their efforts to form a union with OPEIU Local 153. Signed: Jeffers Lennox, History Cori Anderson, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Joe Fitzpatrick, College of Letters Matthew Garrett, English & American Studies Dave Constantine, Mathematics Ulrich Plass, German Studies & College of […]
On Sunday, Sept. 22, the Board sent out a letter telling us that it “rejected a proposal from the Committee for Investor Responsibility (CIR) for divestment of the University’s endowment from companies that supply services, equipment, or weapons to Israel.” There will of course be many opinions about the specific recommendation as it relates to Israel. […]
Hello friends of The Argus! Welcome (back) to Wesleyan! As the chill of the fall descends upon campus, so does our reign descend upon The Argus. We are very excited to be serving as your Editors-in-Chief (EICs) for Fall 2024! We want to thank our predecessors Anne Kiely ’24 and Executive Editor Sam Hilton ’25 […]
Dearest readers, We begin this letter with our thanks. This semester, we’ve seen an incredible amount of engagement and discussion at The Argus. In our letter to you all at the start of the semester, we declared a goal of making this newspaper a forum for dialogue about campus issues, and we’re so glad that […]