Empanadas. Since my arrival in Buenos Aires seven weeks ago, I have become completely addicted to these amazing nuggets of goodness.
Despite the dreary downfall of rain, Ellie and I returned to the local Wesleyan favorite formerly known as the Cardinal’s Nest. Although the name has been truncated to the simpler, perhaps edgier moniker, “The Nest,” the restaurant has resurfaced with bits of the old charm still shining through. The Nest now offers a new back […]
Have you ever gotten hungry on your walk to class and wished that a food cart would pop up out of nowhere? Or maybe while weeding your Dad’s garden you realized you wanted to sample the produce? Well fear not, six of the most prevalent weeds that you trample on your daily walk around campus are actually edible and can make a great snack, salad or excuse to eat something dirty.
After working at the all-freshmen cookout the first night of orientation, I realized the general lack of knowledge about foods commonly served at Usdan is frightening. have decided to introduce these foods to you now, so you will never mistake a piece of tofu for fish again.
Recipes for delicious banana bread and soul warming chicken soup.
As many of you are most likely painfully aware, finals are upon us and crunch time has commenced. Moreover, if you’re anything like Ellie and I, your point balance reads more like a telemarketer’s area code and your meals are dwindling into the single digits.
Bun Lai may just be sustainability’s superman. His New Haven restaurant, Miya’s Sushi, was the first, and remains the only, sustainable sushi restaurant on the East Coast.
I have worked at Typhoon, a Thai Restaurant on Main Street in Middletown, Conn. most weekends since my freshman year. Often, customers and friends ask me for my recommendations.
Old rice is preferable when cooking Thai-style fried rice. This is because the rice loses some of its moisture when left in the fridge, so it absorbs flavors fully when cooked in a new sauce.
This past Sunday marked one of the most important holidays in the Christian tradition: Easter. Although Rachel and I do not affiliate with any established monotheistic tradition, our humble beginnings in the beautiful Bible Belt have exposed us to many Christian practices.