Created in the spring of 2021 as an animal advocacy group, the Wesleyan Animal Defense League (WADL) has an intentionally broad philosophy: The group aims to give students on campus the ability to engage in activism, education, volunteering, and fundraising efforts centered around animals. “We just want people to have a way to get involved,” WADL […]
Content Warning: This article contains references to domestic violence. A STEM major who does poetry, social justice work, and assists in the Resource Center, Alice Musabe ’22 was described in her nomination as “a combination of grace, intelligence and fashion” and “a girl of energy, kindness, and passion.” Despite navigating all of her extracurriculars and […]
Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Teresita Padilla-Benavides founded a University chapter of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) in July 2020 to provide a space for underrepresented groups involved in STEM. SACNAS is a nationwide organization that has been around for several decades, with chapters providing mentorship and […]
Nearly every year since 2010, President Michael Roth ’78 has taught HIST 214: “The Modern and the Postmodern.” The class, a history course cross listed with the College of Letters (COL) and Center for the Humanities (CHUM), examines the development of the concept of modernity. For the fall of 2021, however, the course is being taught […]
Every week, the Features Section publishes an interview with a particularly active, interesting, or notorious senior: the WesCeleb. But where do these people go after they graduate? In our WesCelebs Revisited series, The Argus reconnects with alums who got the special designation in the past, to hear about their time at Wes and see what […]
For 21 years, the University’s Adolescent Sexual Health Awareness club (ASHA) has worked to teach local high schoolers in south and central Connecticut about consent and other aspects of sexual well-being in a thoughtful, engaging way through two-day-long workshops. Since 2020, they have been designing a new, more socially conscious curriculum to be implemented this […]
Welcome to Ask The Argus, a column brought to you by the Features section! Each week, we give you the hottest advice from your wonderful, trusty, seasoned editors. Are you having trouble making friends? Is your relationship falling apart? Regretting your choice of major? Struggling with time management? Don’t fret: We’ve been there and are here to […]
When The Argus interviewed Maddie Nagler ’22 it was in a rare moment of quiet amidst her busy day. Recognizable by her chronically unzipped backpack, Nagler spent her fall break on campus, working on a thesis film set and running. You might have seen her dashing through campus training with the cross country team, or […]
Mike Lynch, HVAC Mechanic and beloved member of the University’s Physical Plant team, passed away in early October, just before celebrating his 35th year of working at Wesleyan. Lynch is survived by his brother, David. When asked about Lynch and his contributions to Physical Plant, his colleagues emphasized his kindness and generosity as well as […]
With a few exceptions, the University’s archaeological and biological collections have been hidden in storage for decades. Over the last few years, students and professors have restored many of the fossils and samples, used them for research, and worked to display them across campus—students might recognize the dinosaur footprints on the walls of the Fishbowl or the […]