c/o Sophie Griffin, Features Editor

c/o Sophie Griffin

Welcome to Ask The Argus, a column brought to you by the magnificent Features section! Every once in a while, we bring you the hottest advice from your wonderful, trusty, seasoned editors. This week’s edition is Valentine’s Day-related! Having trouble figuring out what to do for your special someone? Alone on Valentine’s Day? Not really the romantic type? Recognize that this is a capitalist holiday designed to fuel consumerism while also detracting from the significance of Black History Month? Don’t fret: we’ve been there and are here to help.

I think one of my hallmates is cute, but everyone keeps saying that having a thing with someone you see that often is a bad idea. What do you think?

Good question. As long as you think you have the maturity to continue seeing someone you hooked up with in the hallways after the fact, we definitely encourage you to go for it! But if you’re not prepared for that reality, then maybe seek out another option. On the other hand, this could be a good opportunity for growth due to the University’s remarkably small campus size. 

How to have a good Valentine’s Day on campus? 

Lucky for you, there are so many spots on and off campus for a romantic date. Whether it’s a brisk walk to Long Lane Farm or making a trip to the fourth floor of Exley to visit the Rock Museum, there are so many opportunities to have a memorable Valentine’s Day just on our lovely campus. And, of course, you can’t forget about the many delicious food options on Main Street that are just a few minutes away! If you’re looking for a more low-key idea, we definitely recommend a study date in the stacks or maybe even just dinner at Usdan. We are sure you will have a blast no matter what you decide! 

What to do if you don’t know the status of your relationship on Valentine’s Day? 

If you aren’t sure whether you’re officially dating someone, it can be tough to know whether to get them a gift or wish them a happy Valentine’s Day. It always depends on the person. A low-risk option could be casually bringing up the broad topic of Valentine’s Day to see their reaction. Once you know how they feel about the holiday, you can go from there, and maybe it will lead into a more serious conversation. If you want to take a more direct approach to this situation, don’t be afraid to ask. It’s always better to know than to be left wondering. 

All my friends are in relationships. Any advice for having a fun Valentine’s Day alone? 

Valentine’s Day can be rough when you don’t have someone to spend it with. But love doesn’t have to be romantic: you can take the opportunity to let your friends know how much you care about them with a personal note to remind them of your favorite memory together, or some baked goods that are their favorite flavor. Even if they’re in a relationship, they won’t appreciate it any less. We guarantee that no one’s relationship replaces their love for their friends!

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