Vera Schwarcz

3 Articles

Look who supports the BDS movement against Israel?

by Vera Schwarcz, . 18 Comments

Talk responsibly about Israel

by Vera Schwarcz, . Comments Off on Talk responsibly about Israel

How we talk about Israel at Wesleyan University is not a local, insignificant squabble. It is not words. It raises questions about the misuse of history and the abuse of language in a community of learning supposedly dedicated to critical thought.

Conference in conflict with our community of learning

by Vera Schwarcz, . Comments Off on Conference in conflict with our community of learning

Dear Doug, All day I was hoping we had it wrong–that this "program" for Saturday is a mistake, another Wesleyan, another time. Now, we are faced with a great sullying of our collective mission as a community of learning. What is scheduled is nothing less than naked hatred of Jews and misinformation about Israel.
