Alex Wilkinson

24 Articles

The Argus Examines University Sexual Assault Response

by Alex Wilkinson, Christina Norris, Claire Bradach, Olivia Horton, Adam Keller, Editors-in-Chief, Features Editor, News Editor, Executive Editor. 7 Comments

The current lawsuit against the University, which was filed by a former Wesleyan student (“Jane Doe”) who was raped during a Halloween party at the Beta Theta Pi (Beta) fraternity house in 2010, charges the University with a violation of Title IX, a federal law that prohibits educational institutions that receive federal funding from discriminating on the basis of sex.

Disordered Discourse: Words Can Perpetuate Eating Disorders

by Alex Wilkinson, Executive Editor. 2 Comments

Former Public Safety Officer Arrested

by Alex Wilkinson, Executive Editor. 1 Comment

WesCeleb: Evan Weber

by Alex Wilkinson, Executive Editor. 1 Comment

Wesceleb: Lina Mamut

by Alex Wilkinson, Executive Editor. 1 Comment

McCann Talks Graphic Novels and American Lit.

by Alex Wilkinson, Executive Editor. 1 Comment

Book Review: Inventing Paired Languages of Loss

by Alex Wilkinson, Executive Editor. Comments Off on Book Review: Inventing Paired Languages of Loss

“A Good Meal for the Soul”: An Interview with Acclaimed Author Francisco Goldman

by Alex Wilkinson, Editor-in-Chief. 1 Comment

“If people had read that book and not loved Aura, it would’ve been such a nightmare. For me as a writer, imagine failing on that level—not having the reader love the person you love. That would be heartbreaking.”

WSA Discusses Oversight Reform: Students Allege 2010-2011 Misuse of Projects Budget, SBC Funds

by Abbey Francis, Justin Pottle, Alex Wilkinson, Olivia Horton, Features Editor, News Editor, Editors-in-Chief. 10 Comments

A recent investigation into the past actions of members of the Wesleyan Student Assembly (WSA) has illuminated problems of oversight and transparency that are facilitated by unrestrictive language in the WSA Constitutional By-laws. These issues highlight a general lack of clarity and transparency in the Assembly’s dealings.

Book Review: “Steve Jobs” Explores Complex Legacy of Technology Legend

by Alex Wilkinson, Editor-in-Chief. Comments Off on Book Review: “Steve Jobs” Explores Complex Legacy of Technology Legend

Book Review: “Extra Lives”

by Alex Wilkinson, Features Editor. Comments Off on Book Review: “Extra Lives”

As Bissell puts it, “I am uninterested in whether games are better or worse than movies or novels or any other form of entertainment. More interesting to me is what games can do and how they make me feel while they are doing it.”

Professor’s Bookshelf: Stephanie Weiner

by Alex Wilkinson, Features Editor. Comments Off on Professor’s Bookshelf: Stephanie Weiner

Associate Professor of English Stephanie Kuduk Weiner has been teaching English literature at the University for eight years. Besides her focus in 19th-century British literature and culture, Weiner specializes in Aesthetics, Art History, Poetry, and Poetics. She took time out of her busy schedule to chat with The Argus about 19th-century publishing, blind contour drawing, and putting together the University curriculum.

Professor’s Bookshelf: David Schorr

by Alex Wilkinson, Features Editor. Comments Off on Professor’s Bookshelf: David Schorr

David Schorr, Professor of Art, has taught various courses in printmaking, drawing, typography, book design, graphic design, and calligraphy since 1971.

Heading Underground: An Exploration of the Power Plant

by Benjamin Soloway, Alex Wilkinson, Features Editors. Comments Off on Heading Underground: An Exploration of the Power Plant

Despite its low profile, Wesleyan’s Central Power Plant packs quite a punch. We ventured into the depths of the underground facility to find out more.

Combining Fiction and Neuroscience: A Conversation with Melanie Brady

by Alex Wilkinson, Features Editor. Comments Off on Combining Fiction and Neuroscience: A Conversation with Melanie Brady

Word from the Wise: An Informal Guide to Student Life

by Alex Wilkinson, Benjamin Soloway, Features Editors. 1 Comment

So you’ve just moved into your room and you want to make sure your living quarters remain as comfortable as possible. You’ve heard all the horror stories about noisy halls, sexiling, and awful roommates, and you’re intent on not letting them happen to you.

Cultivating and Expanding the Wesleyan Writing Community

by Alex Wilkinson, Features Editor. Comments Off on Cultivating and Expanding the Wesleyan Writing Community

Okay, so you’re not Jack Kerouac. But you’re also not from the leagues of whiny teenage MySpace bloggers.

WesBikes Deferred Funding

by Alex Wilkinson, Features Editor. 1 Comment

The WesBikes program, a student-run initiative that rented out 25 bicycles to students last semester, was deferred funding last month by the WSA Campus Initiatives Fund (CIF) Committee by a 3-1 vote.

Drug Hedonism: Inhaling the Ethical Implications of Drug Culture

by Alex Wilkinson, Features Editor. Comments Off on Drug Hedonism: Inhaling the Ethical Implications of Drug Culture

This article is the first in a series profiling the student forums being offered this semester. Student forums are classes proposed and taught by students with faculty support, covering topics and issues not addressed by in offered courses.

Grad Student’s Organization Heals Children with Music

by Alex Wilkinson, Opinions Editor. 1 Comment

When asked about his home country of Uganda, Branco Sekalegga GLSP will draw your attention to the large number of aid organizations in the country—much-needed groups that help feed children in a place that has been torn apart by war, disease, and economic strife.

Why Google Thinks You Should Change Your Name

by Alex Wilkinson, Opinions Editor. Comments Off on Why Google Thinks You Should Change Your Name

No one can deny that social media sites like Facebook have drastically transformed not just how we interact with one another socially, but also what it means to have an online identity.

Op-Eds: Speak Up in Wesleyan’s Campus Discussions

by Alex Wilkinson , Opinions Editor. Comments Off on Op-Eds: Speak Up in Wesleyan’s Campus Discussions

Hi, I’m Alex Wilkinson, a sophomore, and the Op- Ed Editor of The Wesleyan Argus, and I want you, the diverse, talented, and passionate class of 2014, to help me lay the foundation for the first ever opinions section in Wesleyan history.

Jazzing With Maupin

by Alex Wilkinson , Assistant Opinions Editor. 1 Comment

When most people think about Jazz, the famous pioneers of the bebop era usually come to mind: if not Thelonious Monk or Bill Evans, then certainly Miles Davis and John Coltrane.

Isn’t the iPad Just a Big iPod?

by Alex Wilkinson, Opinions Editor. 17 Comments

When Steve Jobs revealed Apple’s latest product, the iPad, on Jan 27, no one was surprised.
