Dear Wesleyan Community, As Wesleyan alum who care about climate justice, we feel compelled to address a disturbing issue that strikes at the heart of Wesleyan’s integrity and values. The Chair of Wesleyan’s Board of Trustees, John B. Frank, is a director of the Chevron Company, an oil supermajor directly responsible for the climate crisis. In […]
In response to Akhil Joondeph’s article Colorful but Cold Community, published in the September 15, 2023 issue. From your friend’s pregame at Wesleyan’s Christian program house to your classmate from “right outside Boston” living in International House, it’s no secret Wesleyan’s program housing doesn’t always live up to its community potential. Confronted with this reality, […]
After 50 years, it’s probably the coldest of cold cases. In mid-winter of 1973, The Wesleyan Argus published a recap of the previous night’s Cardinal men’s ice hockey game. While the opponent and the score are long forgotten, one sidenote remains fresh. In his piece recounting the game, The Argus sports reporter made a point to call […]
Dear readers, Welcome to a new semester of The Argus! As the incoming Editors-in-Chief (EICs) this fall, we couldn’t be more excited to get started on Volume CLXXIII! We both got involved with The Argus during our first year at the University, when Sabrina Ladiwala ’24 was remote and Elias Mansell ’24 was trapped in […]
Pizza at Usdan. Smoothies at Red and Black. Breakfast pails at Swings. Iced lattes at Pi Café. Behind it all, full-time and student dining workers make sure that everyone on campus eats. Together, we fry, mix, toss, slice, wrap, brew, and blend. We wipe down counters, do dishes, and mop floors. We all need our […]
In the Spring of 2021, Wesleyan became one of the first two schools to partner with a small, sustainability-focused company called Generation Conscious. Generation Conscious is a certified minority-owned company that uses ecosystemic design principles to build zero-waste infrastructures in the communities it serves. Here at Wesleyan, that means providing laundry detergent refill stations at […]
I was horizontal on St. Kilda Beach in Melbourne, Australia last semester when I decided to check out The Argus website for the first time in four months. I justified much of my time abroad as a much-needed break from the endlessly busy and somewhat stressful life that I have led at Wesleyan over the […]
Dear Argus readers, We can’t believe how quickly this semester has flown by! It feels like just yesterday we were bundled up in the cold, and now we’re sitting on Foss Hill enjoying the sun. As our time as Editors-in-Chief comes to a close, we’d like to take a moment to reflect on this past […]
Wesleyan University. Diverse institution. Idyllic, open campus. Intellectual, open-minded, compassionate students. Authentic activism. Wesleyan University. Pretentious institution. Impenetrable bubble. Elitist, wealthy, ultra-liberal students. Performative activism. What comes to mind when you think of Wesleyan? While these two portraits of Wes hang on opposite ends of the spectrum, it’s important to acknowledge that there is a […]
I joined The Argus via zoom at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic before my first year even started. I remember feeling so intimidated by how intelligent and funny everyone on the staff seemed, even from their little boxes on the Zoom screen. I had done journalism in high school and knew I wanted to continue […]