The controversy over Bryan Stascavage’s column is a sad commentary on the degree to which colleges attempt to brainwash students. Bryan stated fact and yet he is criticised by the PC police. What did he say that was not factual? The whole Black Lives Matter movement is based on a lie. Chalk is a member […]
If the editorial in the ny post today has it facts straight then it is clear (and not for the first time) that some wesleyan students and faculty have turned the first amendment on its head….freedom of speech is for both sides including the speech you don’t want to hear regardless of the emeritus and […]
The subject of this article is the effect of the social justice warrior (SJW) on public discourse at Wesleyan University. First, I would like to thank the SJW. Thank you, student activists, for being unrelenting and passionate about issues concerning racism, sexism, heterosexism and the like. As an out and proud gay man, I owe […]
The attempt to defund the Argus is reprehensible, and may come back to bite its supporters. I was and still am an activist. I do not agree with the editorial in question, but I will defend to the death, as the famous quote asserts, the author’s right to publish it. I could take a paragraph […]
It was Fall 2003 and I was a freshman at Wesleyan. Having grown tired of seeing pro-choice posters plastered all over the place, I decided to put a pro-life sign on the door of my dorm room. I checked with my roommate first, of course, and he was pro-life and didn’t really care what I […]
I was dismayed – though not terribly surprised – to find my alma mater making headlines over reaction to an unpopular article in the Argus, and still more troubled by the rather tepid response of the editorial staff to what is a clear call to undermine their authorial freedom and the integrity of their paper. […]
There’s a popular and trite criticism that college students cannot handle scary ideas and therefore need to censor any dissenting opinion. However, especially in the last week, people employ this rhetoric when it is not warranted. So before you copy and paste that article again about Obama criticizing “coddled” liberals, let’s define what coddling isn’t. […]
Many students turned out for a powerful panel discussion on the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement earlier this week. The panelists underscored issues of structural racism in general and police brutality in particular. Earlier in the week The Argus published an op-ed that questioned whether “the [BLM] movement itself [is] actually achieving anything positive? Does […]
On September 16, 2015, I opened up my Facebook and saw an article reposted by many of my Wesleyan friends entitled “Why Black Lives Matter Isn’t What You Think”. My hope was that a very keen and intelligent member of the Wesleyan community was going to publicly acknowledge and affirm the existence of the collective […]
On the opposite side of every controversial issue stand folks who, while ignorant in our minds, are also educated individuals who are entitled to an opinion. Unfortunately, conversing with them is the only way to influence the change we’d like to see – so, rather than shaming them for their difference in opinion, why not […]