The Argus does not edit Letters to the Editor for style nor content. Only length and threats to the safety of community members result in alterations. All stylistic choices, including bold text and italics, are the author’s. In 1990 when RJ Julia Booksellers opened, I wrote down our purpose and values to guide us as a […]
When Scott Pruitt was tapped to take over the Environmental Protection Agency, there were two main schools of thought among people that thought that maybe Donald Trump wouldn’t be a good President: One, that while he has long been a friend of the fossil fuel industry, he wouldn’t do anything crazier than green-light some controversial […]
This week is Israeli Apartheid Week. Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) has been organizing events every day of the week to discuss various facets of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands. As a part of these ongoing dialogues, Wesleyan Students Against the Fossil Fuel Industry (SAFF, formerly Wesleyan Fossil Fuel Divest) affirms its support […]
Recently I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what the role of an resident advisor is here at Wesleyan, in how it is described and imagined by ResLife, how it is viewed by residents, and how it actually feels and manifests as an RA myself. These three depictions of the job are all so […]
Connor Aberle’s article about myself, Casey, Affleck and Wesleyan’s supposed complicity in condoning sexual misconduct – and worse – by tauting me as a Wesleyan alumn after I won an Oscar last week is such a tangle of illogic, misinformation and flat-out slander that only the author’s presumed youth can possibly excuse his deeply offensive […]
Recently a poster appeared on campus with a message that reads, “Reject sexual predators emboldened by institutional power.” Below this message are photos of several professors along with their names. This piece makes no claims about the innocence or guilt of these professors, but addresses the method by which anonymous people chose to charge them. […]
When Wesleyan engages with students who call for a more inclusive environment, it addresses lives lived and lost just beyond our campus. Powerful and engaged critical practice and work, such as this, ensures a healthy and empowering environment, filled with opportunity and self-discovery. It is this loving, protective, welcoming, and liberating work that is at […]
I must steadfastly refute Mr. Rosetti’s claims that the hot dog is a sandwich. First of all, his definition of sandwich is flawed. While two seperate pieces of bread are not required to form a sandwich, the placement of the bread – on top and bottom- is what constitutes a sandwich. It is this distinction […]
As members of the American Studies Department – a field committed to issues of social justice, equity, and belonging – we deeply appreciate open dialogue with students, and view their contributions as critical to the ongoing development of our courses and programming. It was therefore with surprise and dismay that we read the November 17, […]
I grew up adjacent to Long Lane School for Girls (LLS ) during 1927-1946. My father was Farm Manager for some 55 years at the farm which supported Long Lane School. The farm provided about 75% food-support for the School. Prior to my birth my mother taught home economics at LLS. Both my parents had […]