For such an artsy school, it’s no wonder Wesleyan has produced such a long list of celebrities, such as Ben Goldwasser ’05 and Andrew VanWyngarden ’05 of MGMT, action-movie director Michael Bay ’87, and playwright Lin Manuel-Miranda ’02. One promising contender for post-graduation fame is Black Rasberry’s Vocal Director Nolan Lewis ’25, whose ninth (yes, you […]
Editor’s note on April 29, 2024: This article is a work of satire. Most of the content is fabricated and/or exaggerated for purposes of entertainment. It was Thursday night, and I was dressed like a cheap and salacious homosexual. Rumors circulated that the bouncers had new ID screening technology. In line, I overheard an underclassman […]
The University held a solidarity gathering on Tuesday, Sept. 27 at noon in the Huss Courtyard outside Usdan. Organized primarily by Vice President of Student Affairs Mike Whaley, the event held a moment of silence for those lost to police brutality and systemic racism. Lasting just under five minutes, the moment of silence brought almost all […]
When Benjamin Franklin left Independence Hall after the Second Drafting, he was approached by a woman on the street. The woman said, “Mr. Franklin, what manner of government have you bequeathed us?” And Franklin replied, “A republic, madam, if you can keep it.” The Founding Fathers viewed democracy as something to be earned and then […]
Jacob Eichengreen ’13 is a trendsetter. “I started out thinking, what’s the dumbest thing I could possibly do?” he tells me. The answer: “Frosted tips. And then a week later, all these hipsters started bleaching their hair. I think it’s fairly obvious what happened there.” Here at The Argus, we’re not fond of confusing correlation […]
Daniel Hymanson ’11 is having a blast getting ready to shoot what is sure to be one of the year’s most unique senior thesis films. The Argus caught up with him on a rainy afternoon at his house on Vine St., sipping tea and peeling a Clementine as he answered a few of our questions.
Katherine Bascom grew up on a farm in New Hampshire, moved to Vermont, draped herself in leaves for last year’s Unlocked centerfold, and went trekking in Nepal amidst a violent populist uprising this summer.
The Argus helps you through the quagmire of GRS.
Nestler’s Wespeak is an interesting attempt to unleash a deluge of “facts” upon the debate.
A cursory look at any international human rights organization’s reports, or Israel’s own B’Tselem would reveal that Israel has violated countless UN resolutions, and is a regular violator of human rights in the Occupied Territories.