Freshman Feast: What’s That on my Plate?

September 26, 2012, by Jess Zalph, Staff Writer. Leave a Comment

First of all, a word of warning: If your taste buds are easily offended by “strange” food combinations, this article  may not be for you. With that said, I have found that food pairings that are far from textbook seem to be a necessary part of college life for two important reasons. One is that […]

It’s Baking Time: Challah for the Holidays

September 20, 2012, by Andrew Ribner, Visual Editor. Leave a Comment

I’m really bad at baking. Really, I do it all wrong. For someone who baked five times per week on average this summer, I really am the worst at following directions. If you happen to like something I make, never ask me for a recipe, because it probably won’t exist. Many say that baking is […]

Cupcakes Add Flavor to Main St.

September 20, 2012, by Ariana Rudess and Alexandria Irace, Contributing Writers. Leave a Comment

Walk down the streets of New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles, and you’ll quickly find that the cupcake trend is still in full swing. Naturally, one would expect this trend to be centralized in hip, urban areas, and surely nowhere near Middletown, Conn. Think again.

Goodies for the Gluten-free Glutton

September 20, 2012, by Ariana Rudess, Contributing Writer. Leave a Comment

“It’s a kind of dangerous place because nothing on the floor can be guaranteed gluten free,” said Kelly, “but you can definitely get creative, especially if you use veggies from the salad bar to make sandwiches with stuff from the gluten-free section.”

Freshman Feast: Home Away From Home

September 20, 2012, by Jess Zalph, Staff Writer. Leave a Comment

Homesickness is beginning to make its rounds among the freshmen. We are standing between “wow, college: this is crazy and awesome and new” and “wow, college: this is my home, and I love it here,” but making the transition from one to the other can get a bit rocky. Now, it is my firm belief […]

It’s Baking Time: Totally Gnarly Granola for a Bangin’ Breakfast

September 13, 2012, by Jamison Poland, Contributing Writer. 2 Comments

  To the overworked college student, sleep is nothing short of precious, so it can be all too tempting to overuse the snooze button on mornings following late-night homework marathons. Before you know it, you have only 15 minutes to make it to class, and in situations like this, breakfast tends to get the short […]

Freshman Feast: Spice Sensation

September 13, 2012, by Jessica Zalph, Contributing Writer. Leave a Comment

There is such thrill in the mouthwatering agony that comes from biting into a jalapeño pepper, such satisfaction from ordering the “Thai spicy” rather than the “American spicy” options on the menu, and such glory from winning wasabi-eating contests in high school Spanish classes (or was that just me?).

FroYo Hits the Sweet Spot

September 13, 2012, by Ariana Rudess and Alexandria Irace, Contributing Writers. 1 Comment

“The other day we had a girl from Wesleyan come in with a Tupperware container,” recounted Santoto, “and she asked my husband if she could fill it with yogurt instead of one of our disposable cups. He said ‘Of course!’”

Freshman Feast: Fresh Food in a Frosh Home

September 6, 2012, by Jess Zalph, Contributing Writer. Leave a Comment

I looked hopelessly at the result of my first few days of food shopping. At my feet I had a large bag of groceries that included salt and pepper, four different types of vegetables, and pita bread. I also had limes. What did I think I was going to do with limes? Having just begun […]

Savor It Solo: Cooking for One

September 6, 2012, by Isabel Rouse, Food/Features Editor. 1 Comment

Yes, I could survive on PB&J sandwiches, eggs and cereal, or eat frozen meals out of a box, but none of those options sounded appealing to my palette.

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