On Friday, students packed the Usdan University Center, rallying from the tops of tables, passing out flyers, and inviting passers-by into their discussion.
Few things are more venerated on an academic campus than debate. Debate is the lifeblood of a healthy academic establishment
At first glance, students walking past the Cardinal Conservatives’ bake sale in Usdan on Tuesday might not have thought there was anything unusual about their table, covered with rows of cookies and brownies.
This Middletown Bakery holds itself to high standards for its customers, with old-school baking, original recipes, and only one dropped cake.Every morning, Fusion Bakery owner Steve Pikos rises at 4:00 a.m., leaves his home in Glastonbury, and arrives at work at 5:00 a.m. By 8:00 a.m., he has made muffins, scones, Danishes, croissants, and cookies. […]
Over the past week, the Cardinal Conservatives, a group I helped found, has been attacked without reprieve. Our opponents accuse us of supporting tacit, institutional racism, and of scapegoating minority students.
We write in support of affirmative action as a legal policy with a specific history. On October 26th, the Cardinal Conservatives sponsored an “affirmative action bake sale” to protest affirmative action because it supposedly “perpetuates racism,” according to the group’s founder who was quoted in The Argus (“Political Bake Sal Sparks Debate,” Oct. 29, 2010).
As I walked to Usdan the other day, I noticed a small bake sale in which people were being charged different prices based on their race. The student group holding the bake sale, the Cardinal Conservatives, said they intended to protest affirmative action, which is a perfectly legitimate cause.
On Monday night, Lee Grodin took a short break from her thesis and spent some time procrastinating with me at the Argus office eating sushi from Japanica and modeling her hip sunglasses. She is totally photogenic by the way. She’s also not letting her thesis totally consume her, still has time for plenty of other activites. Remember those bake sales outside of the Campus Center last week? Whose rice-crispy treats do you think those were? She’s funny, charismatic, entertaining (I mean you have to be to get Wes students out of their clothes week after week…umm…for art’s sake). She’s this week’s WesCeleb!
Long Lane Farm hosted the 17th annual Pumpkin Fest on Saturday, Oct. 16, after last year’s event was canceled due to COVID-19 restrictions. Pumpkin Fest—open to University students, faculty, and staff and Middletown residents—celebrates the fall harvesting season and the University and Middletown communities. “I think that October feels like a very harvest-appropriate month because […]
The University’s annual Pumpkin Festival, co-sponsored by the College of the Environment (CoE), took place this past Saturday, Oct. 5, at Long Lane Farm. An annual occurrence since its inception in 2004, the event celebrates Long Lane’s harvest and welcomes members of the community for live performances, free food and cider, and goods made by local small […]