c/o Sophie Griffin
Welcome to Ask The Argus, a column brought to you by the magnificent Features section! Every once in a while, we bring you the hottest advice from your wonderful, trusty, seasoned editors. Having trouble re-acclimating to campus life, Middletown, or the freezing winter? We’ve got you covered! To submit a question to Ask The Argus click here.
School already feels overwhelming. How can I start organizing my time to make this semester’s workload feel more manageable?
Getting into a routine that works is definitely challenging in the first weeks back on campus. But once you find one, school doesn’t have to be so overwhelming. We recommend using tools like Google Calendar and Notion to keep track of what you have to complete each week. If you are more of a visual person, try writing everything out and creating a checklist system—checking things off throughout the day can be rewarding and can serve as a reminder that you are getting things done! We also recommend including something in your schedule that helps you de-stress each week—whether it be hanging out with friends or working out at Freeman Athletic Center, it is important to take care of yourself. Finally, if you are ever feeling too overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to ask for help! Asking for extensions on assignments when needed is not a bad thing if it helps you take better care of yourself. Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) also provides many resources for students going through stressful times, so don’t be afraid to reach out to them!
With the weather so cold, I am struggling to take breaks and get out of my room. What can I do to de-stress?
We feel you. It is just as hard for us to figure out ways to take comfortable study breaks and motivate ourselves to leave our rooms in this weather. We have been trying to use our break time to warm ourselves up—making a cup of tea, heading to Pi Cafe for a hot drink and a chat with friends, or simply sitting on top of our heaters. If you need to get out of your stuffy room, make sure to bundle up! We do not recommend shorts and T-shirts this month, regardless of what you see our lovely athletes sporting around campus. From roller skating to open-mic nights, campus groups have been working overtime to host indoor events in (usually) well-heated spaces, so keep your eyes peeled for flyers around campus and on social media to take advantage of the many hot happenings.
I’m new on campus this year and have never experienced a Wesleyan spring. What events and traditions can I look forward to this semester?
Many agree that the spring semester is often more exciting than the fall semester. From thrilling concerts to special rituals, campus will be full of fun events. The biggest event of the semester, WesDay, is an end-of-semester carnival and concert featuring food trucks, Ferris wheels, and other forms of entertainment (like a petting zoo!). In April, Z-who-shall-not-be-named Day presents a showing of Wesleyan’s best bands in the WestCo courtyard, starting at noon and running through the night. The spring also brings Wesleyan’s unofficial traditions to life. New students will get to experience these special student-run projects, from Undies in Olin to Marriage Pact. Lastly, the transition from Connecticut’s cold winter to the spring’s pleasant temperatures will bring students more opportunities to lie on Foss Hill and go to Millers Pond.
I want to join more activities on campus. Any recommendations?
There are many amazing organizations on campus, from dance groups to writing collectives to sports clubs. We recommend checking out WesNest, which you can access through your WesPortal—it keeps track of all the student organizations on campus.
And of course, join The Argus!