c/o Leo Egger
About the Column:
Poems of our Climate is a weekly poetry column run by Oliver Egger ’23. Egger also runs the literary magazine group Route 9 whose literary magazine, The Lavender, is opening submissions for volume 3 on the theme of patterns! Submit and read past issues of The Lavender at Route9.org. If you are interested in having your poem featured in this column, Poems of our Climate, please email your work directly to oegger@wesleyan.edu.
By Michaela Poynor-Haas ’23
Over the chatter,
he says his aunt is missing
dinner continues.
About the Poet:
Michaela Poynor-Haas is a junior English major and History minor at Wesleyan. She was born in Mesa, Arizona but raised in Oakland, California. Catch her enjoying a cup of tea on a cold morning walk in the cemetery.