February 15, 2025

About the Column:

Happy Valentine’s Day from Poems of Our Climate!  Poems of Our Climate is a weekly poetry column run by Oliver Egger ’23. Egger also runs the literary magazine group Route 9 whose literary magazine, The Lavender, is opening submissions for volume 3 on the theme of patterns! Submit and read past issues of The Lavender at Route9.org.  If you are interested in having your poem featured in this column, Poems of Our Climate, please email your work directly to oegger@wesleyan.edu

c/o Leo Egger

c/o Leo Egger

your face

By Sabrina Tian ’24


there are moles on it 

and they are black and brown

like your eyes

and your hair

and my eyes

and my hair 

and my moles

are black and brown too.

i wish i could jump from one to the


like a frog in love.


we can have moles together

dig holes with moles together

kill crows and sip joe together

get towed and break toes together

touch my nose to your nose.



There is a bump on your nose

that i wish i could lie on

beside all your moles. 


About the Poet:

Sabrina Tian is a CEAS and Government double major at Wesleyan. She was born and raised in San Diego, California. You may send her movie recommendations at stian01@wesleyan.edu.

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