The word “quarantine” comes from the Italian word quarantina, meaning 40 days, which itself comes from the Italian word for 40: quaranta. While Wesleyan’s arrival quarantine is coming up about sixteen days short of an actual quarantina, it’s still a lot of time. If you’re feeling a bit bored, or want to do something besides figuring out Drop/Add and staring at the ceiling, the Feats Team has got you covered with some COVID-safe ideas. Check ‘em out below.


Make Art

In quarantine I have taken to writing elegiac appliance poetry. This was inspired by the dishwasher: although completely ineffective, its removal left a noticeable gap in the Music House kitchen. While this may be my niche, the world is truly your oyster when it comes to creativity. Finger paint. Paper mache death masks for your friends and acquaintances. Crochet, knit and embroider. You could even do a more traditional form of visual art, such as painting, drawing, or sculpture. Make some music for your hallmates to appreciate.

– Annika Shiffer-Delegard ’23, Features Editor


Travel the World Without Leaving Your Room

If you’re yearning for an adventure outside the confines of your dorm, consider taking a trip to, which boasts listings for houses all over the world. Pick any destination and start searching for your dream home. With so many options, the hunt for the best piece of real estate can become somewhat addicting. You can also make this a social activity by picking a random location with your roommate or friends over Zoom and seeing who can find the best places in the neighborhood.

-Emma Kendall ’24, Staff Writer

Do Everything You Can Only Do in Quarantine

Stay up late and get into arguments about God with your family unit. Cut bangs or make another dramatic hair decision. Paint each one of your nails a different color. Take a walk in the snow while listening to a podcast. Test out how many masks you can reasonably put on your face. Get into a Twitter fight, or witness one. Create a food-themed Instagram account. Spend three hours trying to complete a Weshop order. Wear sparkly makeup. Buy blue-light glasses. Make a playlist for each of your quarantine moods. Randomly message someone you want to be friends with. Celebrate yourself on Valentine’s Day. Do ten jumping jacks between Zoom meetings. Complete The Marriage Pact. Watch a cooking show. Stack your computer on top of large books to prevent a stiff neck. Meditate before bed. Get a Summies burrito bowl and pretend it’s Chipotle. Get dressed up for class. When you sleep, dream about February 22. 

-Annie Roach ’22, Features Editor


Be Okay With Not Being Productive

So your calculus professor told you that quarantine is no excuse for not doing your work. I mean, Isaac Newton invented the subject while isolating himself from the plague in the 1600s, but Isaac Newton did not have access to videos on the internet of cute animals. I highly suggest watching live kitten cam videos on YouTube (or puppy cam, whichever you prefer). Being able to watch little balls of fluff snooze and play in real time almost makes it feel like you’re right there with them. If you need a break from screens, try writing your future self a letter. Tell them all about the fun you are having as a young adult in 2021! 

-Sarah Timbie ’23, Staff Writer


Start a Dream Journal

This is actually one of the assignments for an English class I’m taking, but I think it’s something that is great to do, even if you’re not getting academic credit for it. I’d recommend using a physical journal instead of using your phone’s notes app, and make sure to keep it somewhere close to your bed so you can quickly grab it when you wake up. Beyond helping you remember your dreams and being a window into your subconscious mind, it’ll be something to look back on in the future: a memento of the very strange time we’re living through. 

-Sophie Griffin ’23, Features Editor


Redecorate Your Dorm

If you were on campus in the fall, you probably spent a lot of time in your room. This semester won’t be any different, so why not change things up a little? Rearrange your poster collage, move your fairy lights and fake ivy plants, find a new spot for your desk, or change the height of your bed! Create a whole new room where you can spend the next three months taking your Zoom classes. Everyone needs a change of scenery every once in a while.

-Olivia Ramseur ’23, Features Editor


Sophie Griffin can be reached at 

Emma Kendall can be reached at

Olivia Ramseur can be reached at

Annie Roach can be reached at

Annika Shiffer-Delegard can be reached at

Sarah Timbie can be reached at
