We asked stressed-out Wes students to write haikus about their midterms. Here are their responses:




Brooke Anderson ’19: 

WesPlague you got me

Boy how little I study

Is this how I die?



Andrew Finkelman ’21:

Sitting in Olin

Words blurring into steep lines

In need of more time.



Olivia Dugan ’20:

Walking through the rain

Synonyms before my eyes

Midterms change with leaves.



Julien Vion ’20:

Pizza on my work

Adderall in my vessels

Midterms suck ass



Katie Barnes ’18:

Two on the same day

Greek and Latin forever

When will fall break come?


Erin Hussey can be reached at ehussey@wesleyan.edu or on Twitter @e_riss.

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