Did you know there’s a genocide happening? It’s true! Apparently genocide is being waged viciously against white people across America! Horrifying, isn’t it?

It’s understandable if this news comes as a shock. When one thinks of genocide they most often picture, well, real, actual genocide: the deaths of millions, the ruthless destruction of an entire culture, unheard pleas for mercy and humanity. When one thinks of genocide they probably don’t really think about vague xenophobic concerns about the racial demographics of a country tipping ever so slightly. They probably don’t imagine people starting families with others of different races and recoiling as if that was actually a bad thing.

If this dissonance puzzles you, there’s an easy explanation for why. It’s because, not only is so-called “white genocide” not a genocide, it’s actually a made-up fucking fairy tale concept.

For those who push this idea, “white genocide” is simply the idea that someday white people won’t be the majority anymore, and that this is tantamount to the active organized slaughter of an entire group of people. Never mind that genocide is a real horror. Never mind the historical trauma of Rwanda, Sudan, the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, the crimes of the Khmer Rouge, the atrocities committed in Indonesia. The real horrors of genocide are when, in the next decade, you may not hold the majority of power in your nation.

In order to understand this deeply stupid invention, it’s necessary to understand whiteness as a concept, which is just as artificial as the anxieties it often spawns in those who claim it. It’s telling them that “white genocide” so ostentatiously links the disappearance of whiteness with a loss of power, because history has demonstrated that whiteness is inseparable from white supremacy. They are two ideas joined irrevocably at the hip, and those who fear the elimination of whiteness as a piece of political and social capital have unknowingly admitted to this in their campaign to preserve that capital.

The idea of white fragility has become more widespread in recent years, but there’s no demonstration of that fragility as potent as “white genocide.” In its very conception it reveals whiteness to be so unstable as to be potentially disrupted by the mere existence of non-whiteness in its vicinity. Those who crow endlessly about this apparent destruction of whiteness fail to realize that, in revealing the frailty and falseness of their identity, they make a very compelling argument for the death of the idea of whiteness. And, no, that doesn’t mean killing white people, for those of you who are still childish enough to think that’s an option anyone is seriously weighing. Don’t worry. You’re safe.

What it does mean is divesting from whiteness as a legitimate identifier. It means recognizing that the clamor to achieve whiteness is not a sign that whiteness is valuable. Rather, whiteness is the ethnic equivalent of a product you’re told on late night television you absolutely must have. Calling into question the legitimacy of whiteness means acknowledging that the value of whiteness has come only through concentrated historical violence towards those who haven’t been given the label. It means recognizing that racism is a grotesque sort of social market manipulation, a means by which a dominant group continues to assert the legitimacy of their dominance by emphasizing an invented aspect of their identity and then seeking out increasingly normalized ways to punish those who weren’t so lucky as to randomly come into that identifier.

If we want to talk about the relationship between whiteness and genocide, look no further than the Holocaust. Antisemitism is founded on the concept that Jews are actually not white. They are then not insulated from the sort of violence Antisemitism encourages. In the wake of the atrocities of Hitler’s regime, many engaged in the project of “making” Jews white, redefining the Jewish identity so that those who identified with Judaism could have access to the privileges of whiteness. In many ways, the same is true of Armenians. Throughout history whiteness has portrayed itself as a safe haven from political violence, an exclusive fortress, membership to which entitles one to protections and supremacy.

“White genocide” unintentionally admits to how foolish this is. It reveals a group clinging to the artificial primacy of the label they invented because implicitly they know it’s a lie they’ve created to justify their repeated social and political cruelty. “White genocide” is white fear of the falseness of their dominance boiled down to its essence. Perhaps most thrillingly is that most who push this concept probably don’t even know that. They can’t see how pathetic it is to have to invent a threat to justify continued exercise of a previous invention, one whose seams are tearing now simply because it was always shoddily made. If the supremacy of whiteness was actually an elemental truth, then the idea that a little immigration or multiculturalism could dismantle it would be absurd. But since white supremacy is a fiction, the introduction of even the slightest contradiction to it has the potential to decimate this fantasy. By trying to convince others that this decimation is in fact happening, the supporters of the idea of “white genocide” have unknowingly admitted to the lie inherent in their self-professed dominance.

There is no “white genocide.” There is no war on whiteness. All that’s happening is that a poorly made system, a shoddily crafted lie is beginning to crumble under the slightest scrutiny. Whiteness is disintegrating. It’s eating itself alive. Under the weight of its own stupidity, its foundations are giving way.

I know what genocide is. That’s not genocide.

That’s progress. 

  • Alfred_Lapin

    Wow…just wow! It’s 2017 and people are still anti-White?

    • Michael Darer

      i’ll actually address this bc this is a common and dangerous misreading. i would urge you to make a distinction between anti-white (or anti white people), and anti-“whiteness”

      • A

        Distinction without a difference.

      • Olivia

        Look friend there is no white genocide in general but yes, there is assimilation of diffirent people of different races in only those areas where whites live.
        I am not “white” but a simple European living in Denmark. I am witnessing a major change in our Danish and whole European culture. London is perfect example of it. Who is responsible for that? The leftists, liberals, globalists.
        It is not justified way to help the migrants because there is no limit of immigrations.

      • Hey now

        I don’t know how anyone can believe that anyone is arguing for limitless immigration, or that there’s no vetting system. No one is, and there is one, and if anything it’s overly restrictive. And why are you so afraid of change? And what’s “London” an example of? I spent a long time there, it’s pretty great.

      • Olivia

        I am not afraid of change but afraid of losing culture of specific places.
        At present London is home of 55% non native people who are some how changing the particular culture of London which will be pominent in future.

      • Hey now

        Change IS culture. To be isolated is to snuff out that culture. Fearing the interaction outside culture isn’t preservationalist, it’s natavist. It’s a philosophy that never works, except as an excuse to do truly evil things.

      • Olivia

        Yes it would be but not by compulsion.
        70% of native citizens are not “pro- change”
        They are oppressed, dominated and threatened by some of their own leaders.
        And interaction can be made by tourism and gathering occasions instead of immigration.

      • Hey now

        People are not their leaders. I’m not going to debate you. The lives of immigrants are not up for debate for the preservation of cultural purity. That’s the same argument as white genocide in less aggressive terms.

      • Olivia

        Let it be but remember there are two choices in some next years: peace or voilence.
        One is justified and one is eminent.
        History will once again repeat itself.

      • Michael Darer

        y’all were some of the first to bend over for hitler so i wouldn’t recommend invoking history

      • Michael Darer

        at least the french put up a fight! what’s whiter? denmark’s current population or the flag of surrender it raised for the nazis?

      • Olivia

        I give respect to lives of everyone but they have to understand that they can’t go against our will.

      • Michael Darer

        “our will”


        please PROVE MY POINT HARDER

      • Olivia

        You have no idea what working class thinks.
        That’s why Trump got the chair.

      • Olivia

        That’s the truth, you can’t debate anything which is out of your “comprehensive” mind.
        Why don’t YOU make your own home open to immigrants. Show some responsibility of your own words.

      • Simon Wagner

        You all just turn your back when the debate starts because you have no real logics to argue.
        That isn’t cultural purity, it is cultural pride and each and everyone has its own cultural pride.

      • Cornelia

        Very well!!! So why Japan, Korea, Congo, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia are snuffing out their culture?
        Your idea is full of selfish global views which only empowers the globalists’ wealth instead of caring of needy ones.
        According to you, I think Native Americans are natavist and fearful. No?
        Olivia is actually correct. Interaction with outside can be made very easily through traveling, tourism and cultural occasions, sports and artistic meetings. It is true optimism.

      • Simon Wagner

        “Change IS culture”. Are you stating this on behalf of whole world.
        At most 20% which means 1.5 billion people will agree with you.
        Why don’t you go to Madagascar and tell them that your so called change IS culture. I am sure they will hang you till the death.

      • Michael Darer

        i know that no person of color has ever respected white culture…oh wait holy shit that’s not true at all. if you think your culture is threatened by immigrants then your culture is oppression. and i know denmark so i stand by that point in your case

      • Olivia

        Just tell me whether you are going to decide or we to make our Europe changing for diversity.

      • Michael Darer

        am i or is europe? well since europe is silencing so many voices i hope neither of us

      • Olivia

        What is white culture?
        It is colonial American ideology, not the XXI century European culture.
        It is better to stay whiteness in Your racist America. Europe is of only European culture and its people. Why don’t you try to make Japan for cultural change? Oh… Sorry, are they xenophobic?

      • Cornelia

        I live in London! Let me tell you “Mr.Global”, London is the capital of England and moreover of Europe but not of whole world. If it IS, then we should replace the name of England with “Worldland”. Don’t you agree?

      • DavidL

        If you don’t enforce the law you have on the books, you make a joke of the vetting system and limits.

      • Michael Darer

        and what pray tell is your point?

      • Jason Wright

        you do realize that what you are describing IS genocide under law right?

        Deliberately denying whites any territory and flooding them with hundreds of millions of non-Whites & FORCIBLY assimilating them…. then harassing, threatening, censoring, slandering any white person who objects?

        Look up the law – this is UNDENIABLY genocide

      • Olivia Nelsen

        Yes i do realize it but what we can do when some of our own people are against us. They think that we are reaping what we sowed. Is this right that only our men are guilty of all disaster to humanity on Earth?

      • Jason Wright

        Every genocide in history had it’s share of traitors. Soros claimed to be a traitor to jews, the author of this article claims to be a traitor to whites…. but he gets NOTHING in return for genocide of his race, he is just a useful idiot

      • Olivia Nelsen

        Yes, he is idiot yet useful for us to removing the curtains from the truth.
        Michael Darer, i appreciate your DARE.

      • Bill Jackson

        Anti-White gibberish.

  • Man with Axe

    From Macbeth: ” It is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.”

    • Ugh

      Could you be more smug and more idiotic and more wrong, man with axe? Do you ineffectually spewing nonsense? Do you think that the lives of the marginalized are up for debate? Do you think the fragile and monstrous lie of white supremacy and white genocide is up for debate. Go away, you sad little clown.

      • Man with Axe

        Everything is up for debate. You don’t even know what I think about any of these issues, and yet you feel comfortable throwing insults my way. I’m sort of shocked at the level of vitriol as a reaction to….what?

      • Man with Axe

        I will answer one of your questions seriously. You mention the “lives of the marginalized.” I’d be very curious to hear what your definition of “marginalized” is. I’ve come to believe that this is one of those catch word terms that everyone uses these days without giving it much thought, but maybe it has a real meaning for you. How can you tell which people are marginalized?

    • Michael Darer

      dude you can say you hate black people. we all know it. it’s okay. hide behind pseudo-intellectualism but it doesn’t save you from what you are

      • Michael Darer

        buck up and admit you’re a scared little white man

      • Michael Darer

        and the wade over to harvard and u chicago’s papers and eat their shit

      • Man with Axe

        Are these places where student writers are not afraid to discuss issues, or do they hurl insults, too?

      • Man with Axe

        What does my race, size, or condition of fear have to do with your unwillingness or inability to make counter-arguments, and your reliance on insult as a means of expressing disagreement? Are you in 4th grade?

      • Jason Wright

        Deliberately push policies to destroy whites, deliberately slander, libel, harass, insult, threaten any white person who objects

        Write an article explaining how it isn’t genocide

      • Bill Jackson

        Anti-White Michael Dare, writes an article justifying Genocide against one Racial group (Whites). Says this Racial group going extinct is a good thing, calls it a nice sounding name (“Progress”). Then he taunts this Racial group in the comments section.

        Is there any doubt he’s advocating White Genocide?

      • Man with Axe

        Always insults, never arguments. Show some courage and debate.

      • Man with Axe

        Actually, it’s you personally I don’t like. Here are the reasons why, in case you have forgotten:

        Michael Darer • 3 days ago
        I’m crazy curious: do you go here or do you just have a fetish for sounding like an ignorant moron in the comments section of a random college newspaper?

        Michael Darer • 3 days ago
        is the axe a metaphor for the penis that shrivels everytime a woman or a person of color disagrees w you? and how long will it take for you to realize that no one at this school gives a shit

        Michael Darer • 3 days ago
        like is 4chan too sexy for you? are youtube comments too enlightened? do breitbart and stormfront not get you hot anymore?

  • Jason Wright

    So this Michael Darer Op-Ed guy was too upset to tell people what the claim of “White Genocide” actually IS, because if he stated our argument and the law on genocide, it would be undeniable that it is in fact genocide.

    So instead, he attempts to JUSTIFY the genocide he demands upon white kids by acting like they don’t exist, they’re a figment of your imagination thus do not deserve human rights.

    Massive immigration + FORCED assimilation on to EVERY & ONLY White countries is undoubtedly genocide as defined by international law. This article is PROOF that there are people OPENLY PUSHING POLICIES which force white kids into conditions that destroy their race in whole or in part, GENOCIDE

  • Simon Wagner

    Oh really!!! Then what is happening in RSA?
    And all about only and every white countries in the world is the perfect proof.

  • Kris Chringle

    There’s only ONE good thing that comes from this stupid, ridiculous, bias, anti-white article: The Author makes the fatal mistake of (correctly) admitting that genocide is real. Why is this important? Because usually, the media attempts to blame White men for all the wars, conflicts, and oppression in the world. But, in truth, most cultures are guilty of hideous crimes against humanity. Most cultures engage in warfare, oppression, persecution of homosexuals, unfairness toward minorities. And most importantly, they displace others.
    and, by the way, White Genocide is real. it’s a war against White people which is meant to take effect in 100 years. NOT an overnight genocide.

  • Jeanette Fitton

    Awesome article. You put a new perspective on this “fairy tale”.

    • Simon Wagner

      Yes, actually, I think he should be funded for writing a novel on this “fairy tail”. It would ignite the real insight of others.

    • Bill Jackson

      Anti-Whites demand all White countries turn non-White and say it is a good thing it is happening. Then a Pro White enters the discussion and calls it Genocide, suddenly they have “No idea what he is talking about!”

      Does anyone still take these SICK FOOLS seriously?

  • DavidL

    This article is a screed against a straw man. The “white genocide” project is a fringe ideology with no purchase or following in the mainstream. Most Americans, white and black, have never heard of it. Those like me who have know it’s ridiculous. You have taken an easy almost meaningless target and elevated it to a threat. That makes your article seem ridiculous too.

    • Bill Jackson

      Meanwhile back in the real world… its Asia for Asians, Africa for Africans, White countries for Everyone.

      That’s Genocide for Whites is it not?

      • Alex

        The only genocide is of Natives in America and Australia. The Zulus prevailed so the Afrikaners complain .

    • Andrew

      There is no America there is do democracy we no longer live in a world of ideologies. The world is a collage of corporations inexpertly determined though immutable bylaws of business. The world is a business. Race racism is made up, it’s taught it doesn’t exist whatsoever. The whole article is a bunch of fear mongering drivel to push a stupid double divergent luciferian psyop agenda(s) from a bunch of disillusioned fools.

  • John J. Barrister

    Ok, so the native american genocide never happened, I mean they just stopped being a majority in their own lands because some leaders aided and abetted European settlement in their lands even after it became clear the Europeans did not want to assimilate into their way of life. In the end, the Europeans did not take the first nation’s land, they just relieved them of their privilege. The people who now lament this process are just American Indian bigots suffering from fragility and it just shows the stone age system the first nations had was set to crumble under the slightest scrutiny.

    • Bill Jackson

      The anti-White clown’s argument is that violence is a requirement of Genocide. Yet UN Law says no methods are allowed, peaceful or otherwise. Yep that’s right, he wrote an article supporting White Genocide and didn’t even bother to read the UN Genocide Law. lol

      Genocide has nothing to do with violence. Genocide is PURPOSELY bringing
      about the end of any racial or ethnic group – UN Convention on Genocide
      Article 2.

      • John J. Barrister

        But there was no violence against the natives, just self defense against fragile first nations people unwilling to let go of their privilege.

    • Simon Wagner

      You may notice that in early XVI century the population of native americans of present US was less than a million but now it has grown to 5 million.
      How can anyone wonder that there was a genecide of native americans?
      They are minority because we bred and immigrated like hell.
      They don’t bother very much of their present situation. They know that they are enjoying because of others, not we are enjoying because of them but due to some of their land instead.

      • John J. Barrister

        Also, a lot of cross breeding between europeans and natives, totally not genocidal. Just look at the mohicans of quebec, they look french, speak french, but still have native traditions.

  • “Diversity” THE FINAL SOLUTION to the White Problem.


  • Bill Jackson

    If Michael Darer was targeting all Black countries and only Black countries, with the stated goal to have a future without Black people in it, would there be any doubt he was a genocidal maniac?

    “There is no “black genocide.” There
    is no war on blackness. All that’s happening is that a poorly made
    system, a shoddily crafted lie is beginning to crumble under the
    slightest scrutiny. Blackness is disintegrating. It’s eating itself
    alive. Under the weight of its own stupidity, its foundations are giving

    I know what genocide is. That’s not genocide.

    That’s progress.”

    You are Justifying Genocide.

  • Bill Jackson

    “The idea of white fragility has become
    more widespread in recent years, but there’s no demonstration of that
    fragility as potent as “white genocide.” In its very conception it
    reveals whiteness to be so unstable as to be potentially disrupted by
    the mere existence of non-whiteness in its vicinity. Those who crow
    endlessly about this apparent destruction of whiteness fail to realize
    that, in revealing the frailty and falseness of their identity, they
    make a very compelling argument for the death of the idea of whiteness.
    And, no, that doesn’t mean killing white people, for those of you who
    are still childish enough to think that’s an option anyone is seriously
    weighing. Don’t worry. You’re safe.”

    “White Fragility” is an anti-White meme used to justify White Genocide.

    These people target no other racial groups this way.

  • Trumpfan776

    The author’s petty and racist tone makes me almost side with white supremacists.

  • eyeslevel

    Do you tell black lives matter that blackness is artificial?

  • eyeslevel

    So all those anti-whites talking about white supremacy and white privilege and whites stole America and Australia are stupid?

  • eyeslevel

    Anti-whites have NO PROBLEM identifying white people when they talk about white supremacy, white privilege, who stole America. Do you anti-whites think you’re fooling anybody? You know perfectly well who white people are when you target them to be chased down with diversity. You know perfectly well what a white country is. Any country the EU would pressure or sue to let the third world pour in.
