On Saturday, February 27 from 1-2:30PM in the Memorial Chapel, there will be an Open Student Forum with members of the Board of Trustees. In an effort to bridge the gap between students and the Administration, the WSA has organized this event to allow all students to directly interact and question the people who decide on major decisions involving the university. Some important topics that will be discussed in this forum are the relationship between students and the Board, resources for first-generation and low-income students, need-blind admissions and financial aid, increases in tuition, the Is This Why campaign, the development of an ethnics studies program, professor tenure decisions, divestment of the university’s endowment, Greek life on campus, campus planning and expansion, respectful discourse and free speech at Wesleyan, and many more.

This event is meant to be an open dialogue between students and Board members about issues that are most important to them, especially ones that will have a great impact on the future of Wesleyan. It will be a great opportunity for all students to engage with Board members and see what their opinions are on matters that have a direct effect on the current and future student body of Wesleyan. The forum will end with a networking session where students can discuss more specific issues with Board members who they may find helpful in garnering support from the administration on specific projects or initiatives.

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