A recent ranking of the top 25 US small colleges appeared in the Houston Chronicle. Here’s the link: http://www.chron.com/news/education/article/These-are-the-best-small-colleges-in-America-6853745.php#photo-8789938 Although Amherst and Williams made it, Wesleyan University is not listed and as usual, brings up the rear of the ‘Little Three.’ One wonders if the negative publicity about the cuts in funding the ‘Wesleyan Argus’ (a free-speech issue) together with negative impacts under the presidency of the Roth administration contributed to these findings.


  1. Graduating Senior

    I would say the Roth Administration is the bigger problem here. He’s deplorable, I feel bad for the current state of the school. Thank goodness I’m graduating soon.

    • Ralph's Nadir

      Hear hear. The continued slide of Wesleyan in the liberal arts school rankings is troubling. Something is majorly awry on many levels.

  2. AGoss

    As a Houstonian and a Wes 01′ alum (also University Scholar and Watson Fellow), I was dismayed to read the Houston Chronicle article, flicking through the leafy pictures of New England colleges, not to see Wesleyan.

  3. canes_pugnaces

    As a graduate, Wesleyan has a low ranking for: 1) being total losers in fund raising; 2) putting PC ahead of education; 3) allowing drugs and morons who do drugs represent the school.

    My child, who is a junior with an A average at one of NY’s elite HSs, came for a visit. The recent graduate who ran the admissions seminar bragged about the drugs culture. So no, she won’t be attending.

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