To the Students of the WSA, and the editors of the Argus:
We write to you as a group of former Argus editors in chief, who support the Black Lives Matter movement. Like another group of former editors who have written to you, we also support continued funding for the paper and celebrate the blessings of a free press.
We recognize, however, that the op/ed appearing in the Argus caused pain, grief, and anger to many people on campus.
It’s our belief that addressing the difficult issues of racism and intersectionality, and giving voice to the many struggles of its readers, ought to be among the proper functions of a campus newspaper. For some of us, it was working at the Argus itself, in fact, that helped us learn the value of how the written word can be a catalyst for social change.
Among our cohort are people who have dedicated their lives to protesting injustice in its many forms. We would hate for future Wesleyan students to be denied the chance to learn the power of good, strong and free reporting, research, and storytelling. It was this gift, acquired during many long nights at the Argus, that changed our lives, and inspired us to try to create a better world through writing.
We urge the WSA to continue funding the Argus so that this good work may continue.

Jennifer Finney Boylan
Anna Quindlen Writer in Residence at Barnard College of Columbia University
New York Times Contributing Opinion Writer
National Co-Chair, Board of Directors, GLAAD
Wesleyan Argus Editor-in-Chief, Spring 1980

As joined by:
Tim Redmond, Argus Editor in Chief, 1979
Laura Fraser and Ken Edelstein, Argus Editors in chief, 1980-81

Boylan is a member of the Class of 1980.

  • Melonlo

    Open ed caused pain grief and anger? Yeah welcome to the real world.

    • interested reader

      It is precisely because blacks live in the real world that they experience pain, grief, and anger on a daily basis from views like those expressed in the poorly written op/ed and uninformed perspectives like yours. Open your mind and your heart. By trying to understand each other, we have a chance to make this world a better place for us all.

      • RAA

        The article was not “poorly written,” – by what authority do you even justify this statement? The statements made were true, that makes them what people in reality call “facts.” Just because you don’t like that someone called out a pointless movement, does not mean you can generalize how you do… isn’t that what the movement feigns to be fighting in the first place? Stop being so weak and “woe is me.” The movement is simple placation by elites, and if any change does occur it will not be because of picketing and cheering on the death of law enforcement, that only breeds hate and causes more mistreatment.

        If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all. – Noam Chomsky

        If you want to educate yourself, read some Chomsky. That will open your mind and eyes.

  • interested reader

    It is precisely because blacks live in the real world that they experience pain, grief, and anger on a daily basis from views like those expressed in the poorly written op ed and uninformed perspectives like yours. Open your mind and your heart. By trying to understand each other, we have a chance to make this world a better place for us all.

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  • Dan Craig

    I agree black lives matter. The other day I was watching the news, and a black lady had poured gasoline on her 3 year old girl and set her child on fire. But not one person in the black community complained and protested or raised a voice in anger. Where are the voices of anger for that 3 year old child???? Its all just disheartening to me it has to be all equal. You can’t go complain about one thing and not the other.
