Kai Leshne ’16 doesn’t just play music; he wears it, too. An active member of the Invisible Men group, Leshne is part of the growing Rap Assembly of Wesleyan (RAW). He is also collaborating with a number of students in a collective called “Whenever You See Fit.”

The San Francisco native cites musicians on and outside of campus as his main artistic influences and noted that he has been inspired by their creativity in the realm of fashion as well. Leshne sat down with The Argus to reflect on his “moody” style and how it has changed from the Bay Area to Wesleyan.

The Argus: To what extent do you consider yourself interested in fashion?

Kai Leshne: If I like the way I look, that’s enough for me. I think it’s very important to just—for me, personally—feel like I look good, just because that’s bringing positive vibes from within to the outer world.

A: How long have you been interested in the way you dress?

KL: Forever! My whole life.

A: Describe your personal style in three to five words.

KL: Moody for sure. Sometimes I wear all black and sometimes not at all [gestures to the bright clothing he’s currently wearing]. Also, weather-dependent, because I love this [points at the mild, overcast sky]; this is my favorite weather, the most like San Francisco. I am not looking forward to the winter.

A: Do you have an article of winter clothing that’s key to getting you through the Middletown winter?

KL: Pea coats! Pea coats and sweatshirts, together.

A: What do you like and dislike about style at Wesleyan?

KL: I think the student body has a real good sense of fashion in general. I like your jacket, by the way!

A: Would you say the artistic community at Wes encourages you to express yourself through fashion?

KL: Definitely. There’s definitely stuff that I probably wouldn’t have, not that I wouldn’t be comfortable wearing it now, but I probably wouldn’t have, looking back. I feel like Wesleyan opened my mind to a lot of things artistically, and fashion is an art form in itself, obviously.

A: How has your style changed since you arrived at Wesleyan?

KL: That’s a hard question; I’m trying to think back. I mean, for one, being on the East Coast in general—I don’t know about Wesleyan, but definitely being on the East Coast —broadened my sense of style. Just being so close to New York broadened it [because of] how fashion-oriented New Yorkers are in general. Just that contrast with the Bay is pretty cool.

A: How would you describe the fashion scene in the Bay Area?

KL: I think it’s very different; it’s cool in its own way. I feel like I’m dressed very “Bay Area” right now. Like, skate shoes and Levi’s and hoodies and stuff.

A: Where do you draw style inspiration from on campus? Your friends, the people you make music with, anywhere else?

KL: Yeah. I think music is definitely one of the places I just draw inspiration from in general, and I definitely think that translates into the way I dress.

A: Where do you draw style inspiration from off campus?

KL: I really like—I don’t have much stuff by them, but I really like—what LRG [Lifted Research Group] are doing, and like 10 Deep. I’ve felt so detached from [pop culture], especially on campus, like we’re in a bubble, so nothing’s coming to my mind. I’m sure I’ve been influenced by people, just indirectly.

A: Would you say people around you influence your style or that it comes from a different place?

KL: I think people around me definitely influence my style, but being here [at Wesleyan] is like [being] in transition almost, between where I’m from and where I’m going. So it’s an interesting place to be in. I hadn’t thought about it much until now but like dress-wise it’s an interesting place to be in, because where I’m from is so far from where I’m at.

A: Where do you get most of your clothes?

KL: Mostly online. I usually go to brand sites, like Zumiez. But back home, a lot of my clothes come from thrift stores; my mom really got me on that hype, even before it was, like, a trend. Just because when you can’t afford stuff, that’s where you go, but there’s a lot of cool stuff for sure.

A: What is your favorite item of clothing that you feel most comfortable about your style in?

KL: I really like shoes. Like, if I had the money, I would be spending a lot more on shoes. Not for their materialistic value, but I just think shoes are the perfect way to finish a whole outfit.

A: What’s your favorite style of shoe?

KL: Lace-ups for sure. I like mid- or high-tops. I’m still getting used to boots. I never wore boots until I had to, really. That’s a big difference between the Bay and here, too.

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