Gavriella Wolf/Contributing Photographer

Alexandria Williams ’15 is an East Asian Studies and Economics double major who loves focusing on her personal style on the side. Hailing from Atlanta, Ga., Williams brings her colorful point of view up to Connecticut and injects her vibrant and dramatic sense of style into outfits for even the coldest and grayest of days. The Argus caught up with Williams on one such day. On weeks like this at Wesleyan, many a student burrow into puffy jackets and the warmest of snow boots. But Williams shows that it’s still possible to demonstrate a strong point of view fashion-wise whilst keeping warm.

She shared a little about her likes and dislikes when it comes to fashion and reminded us of the importance of online shopping when stuck on campus in Middletown.


The Argus: Do you consider yourself interested in fashion?

Alexandria Williams: Definitely, but in more of a casual way. I don’t readily seek out fashion inspirations; I just really like looking nice and enjoying what I’m wearing, and I really like putting together different color combinations. So I’m very much interested in fashion!


 A: Describe your personal style in three to five words.

AW: Dramatic, colorful, spontaneous, diva-esque (if that’s a word).


 A: Dramatic in terms of color?

AW: Dramatic in terms of color, and I like to sometimes do things where there’s just one detail that stands out from everything else. I like to juxtapose different fashion types against one another.


A: Where are your favorite places to shop?

AW: I hate to be Macklemore, but I really like thrift shops. He made it this cheesy thing, though. I also like random online stores. I have a friend who’s a connoisseur of small, Asian, boutique online stores, so she’s always sending me those links.


A: Do you have a favorite [online retailer]?

AW: I really like ROMWE. That’s where I’d go to the most.


A: Who are your main sources of style inspiration on campus?

AW: My really good friend Monica Kornis [’15]. She’s been a really big fashion inspiration for me because we shop together, we thrift together, we share a lot of clothes. I also really like Sue from Usdan; I like her makeup and her earrings. She really inspires me to go there with the accessories. And then my friend Demi [Char ’15]; she’s really great at finding minimal style.


A: Who are your main sources of style inspiration off campus?

AW:  I really like pulling fashion inspiration from my hometown. I’m from Atlanta, and Atlanta’s a very glamorous city, so I really love going home and looking at what’s going on around there. The big thing in Atlanta’s like, lots of jewelry all the time, lots of color, and lots of glitter. I like to take that and put a Northeastern spin on it, or something that’s suitable for class time. I also really love Grace Jones.


A: Is there a current running trend you love?

AW: I really like the beany thing that’s happening. I’ve been seeing a lot of people rocking neon-colored beanies, and I really like that. I think they’re really fun.

A: Is there a current trend you hate?

AW: One thing that’s really big that I’m not liking [is] the overabundance of Doc Martens. I had a pair of Doc Martens, but it’s just getting out of hand. Like the flower-colored ones. There’s just too much going on with the Doc Marten train right now.


A: Is there anything else you’d like to say about your style?

AW: I guess I would just like to say that there’s nothing wrong with looking your best everyday. I think that, especially here, I’ve had people criticize me for caring a lot about fashion. There’s nothing wrong with caring what you look like, you know? Dress well, test well. That’s what I live by.


This article was edited for length.

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