Several breaches of security occurred this past weekend, including three robberies on Fountain Aveune, that prompted the Office of Public Safety (PSafe) and the Dean of Students Office to release a campus safety announcement on Thursday, Sept. 26.
“The Dean of Students Office and the Office of Public Safety would like to remind all students to not leave your belongings unattended and to contact public safety if you see suspicious or concerning activity,” reads the email from Dean of Students Rick Culliton and Interim Director of PSafe Tony Bostick. “This past weekend there were a few incidents on campus that should remind us all to take steps to protect our safety and the safety of our community.”
According to the email, a group of non-University students harassed and hit a University student at the corner of Church and High Streets early on Sunday morning. Additionally, three laptops and other valuables were stolen from three separate houses on Fountain Avenue.
“There were a lot of items taken from…the houses on Fountain,” Bostick said. “I believe it was Saturday night. [They weren’t] exactly sure of what time. We had a couple of houses, actually—they had the parties and all that, and I’m not sure if there were open doors or windows or what happened.”
Bostick noted that the houses were unsecured.
“Because of [Middletown Day]—the big fair, the events and all that—I think quite a few people were just out having a good time, and they might have been a little lax in realizing folks were kind of drifting around and stuff like that,” Bostick said. “Reports have been filed, and we’ll be working with Middletown Police.”

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