Trisha Arora/Assistant Photo Editor

If you’re like me, more often than not attempts at power naps in your own bed turn into four-hour snoozefests. With midterms right around the corner, and full nights of sleep coming fewer and farther between, you might find yourself desperate for a nap in the middle of the day when returning to your room isn’t quite a viable option. Thankfully, the University is stocked with fantastic nap-time locations that let you recharge quickly and get back to your life in a timely fashion. Here are just a few:

Nap Machines in Olin and SciLi
In space, nobody can hear you nap! These “energy pod” things might look like the hibernation capsules from the movie “Alien,” but they provide a timeless napping experience. Simply sit in the chair, rotate the front panel around to block out the light, and press the button that says “I20.” The machines are stocked with napping comforts: flashing colored lights, good vibrations, and music. Claustrophobes out there need not fear: the front panel blocks out light, but you can clearly see the floor below you. It’s a fine balance between personal space and privacy.

Personally, I found the machine in SciLi to be much more conducive to napping than the one in Olin. SciLi’s nap machine is in a premium, out-of-the-way location behind the first-floor stacks, whereas Olin’s is right by the main floor, so clopping footsteps and whirring printer noises abound. The Olin machine’s recliner wasn’t working when I tested it, and when you open the panel after waking up, you find yourself looking at a row of terrible faux movie posters warning you about librarians and library fees, not exactly what I want to look at when I’m getting back to work.

Olin Periodical Room
For something a little quieter, check out the periodical room in Olin’s basement. There are tons of comfy couches and chairs arranged to face the windows looking out at Andrus Field, so if you don’t mind daylight shining on your beautiful face, snuggle up and enjoy the sunshine. The room has sound-dampening acoustics and a culture of silence, but expect occasional noise from the creaky door.

Food coma setting in a little sooner than you expected? Take a quick snooze on the Usdan couches by the windows, the cushier ones by the TVs, or even on the pool table! The place is relatively empty, at least during Usdan’s off-hours, and has a nice blanket of white noise to soothe you into a catnap.

Espwesso’s couches are divine, and people are rarely there during the day. If it isn’t too busy at night, you can kick back and let the excellent downtempo music choices lull you into unconsciousness. Did you know that if you drink a cup of coffee and nap for 15 minutes, you’ll get a rejuvenating boost of energy just as the coffee kicks in? Science is amazing!

Thesis Carrels
Need a break from your thesis? Need to get away from your regular work and happen to know somebody with a carrel? It’s possible to sleep sitting up, too! Carrels are not quite sensory deprivation tanks, but they’re plenty dark and cozy, probably with lots of reading material perfectly designed to help you drift off. Just be sure to shift occasionally, or you might develop deep vein thrombosis.

Happy napping!

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