Although I love tofu, I’m not the type of person that tries every meat-alternative option because, honestly, I think a lot of the meat-substitutes just don’t compare. Maybe it’s because I recently left my vegetarian ways and jumped on the meat bandwagon, but tofurkey doesn’t really taste like turkey.

Yet after years of hearing about the unbelievable vegan sandwiches from Sharon, the wonderful woman who swipes your points at WeShop, I finally tried one. The vegan spicy power-tofu sandwiches are arguably one of WeShop’s finest offerings. The spicy tofu is flavorful and filling, and it is wrapped in a giant piece of lettuce that gives the sandwich a satisfactory crunch. Yet, more often than not, the bread is squashed and soggy on the corners, and I end up discarding it entirely.

So I decided to explore the tofu-salad options and attempt to recreate the spicy-tofu sandwich in my own kitchen using simple ingredients available at WeShop. Below is a quick and easy recipe for one version of this tofu salad, but you should really experiment with different additions and spices to really make it your own.


1 block of The Bridge tofu (this type is good because it is not too firm)
1/4 cup onion
1 carrot
1/2 stalk of celery
2-3 tbs tahini
1.5 tsp turmeric
3/4  tsp chili powder (I like mine spicy)
1.5 tsp white vinegar
Pepper and salt to taste

(These proportions can be varied depending on your taste. Play with the amounts of different types of spices depending on how spicy you want it.)


Mush the package of tofu in a bowl into little bits with your clean hands. Dice the onion into small pieces, and chop the carrot and celery into small pieces as well. These items make the salad crunchy, so add the amount that equals the crunch-factor you are trying to achieve. Mix the veggies with the tofu and add the tahini.

Stir well, then add the vinegar and all the spices. Taste it to see what you need to add, and then put it on a sandwich! Or eat it with crackers!

Possibilities for enhancements:

1. Mustard and mayonnaise instead of the tahini, if you are trying to achieve more of an egg salad approach.

2. Raisins! Craisins! This might make it taste like chicken salad. Stir well, then add the vinegar and all the spices. Taste it to see what you need to add, and then put it on a sandwich! Or eat it with crackers! YUM.

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