As a woman, and especially as one who coos over baby shoes and browses when she’s bored, abortion has always been a difficult personal subject for me. Though I hold the belief that a fetus is only a person when it first becomes cognizant and able to feel emotion, (which typically happens somewhere around the end of the second trimester or beginning of the third) I am well aware of the potential for life manifested in the rapidly dividing clump of cells of the first two trimesters. It is, therefore, difficult for me to imagine what I would do if I were ever put in the uniquely terrible position of being pregnant when unprepared for it.

For this reason, I am profoundly disturbed by two new anti-abortion bills that some of our lawmakers are shepherding through Congress. According to The New York Times, the first bill, the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act” (the one which initially included the highly contested and highly ridiculous “forcible rape” clause), “would eliminate tax breaks for private employers who provide health coverage if their plans offer abortion services, and would forbid women who use a flexible spending plan to use pre-tax dollars for abortions.” The second, arguably more heinous bill, the “Protect Life Act,” would prohibit “Americans who receive insurance through state exchanges from purchasing abortion coverage, even with their own money.” This second bill could also allow hospitals, even in the event of emergency, to deny abortions to women if it offends the conscience of the health care providers.

First of all, let me say that this makes me angry. In my nightmarish fantasy of seeing the strip turn pink while still in college, the question of whether I can get an abortion–in my city, in a timely manner, and for a reasonable price–is not an issue. If I have to make that heartbreaking decision, I don’t want to be faced with the sudden realization that, if I do choose to get an abortion, I may not be able to pay for it or that medical staff might refuse my request.

What bothers me more, however, is that this is a situation that would not affect me as severely as it would others. Poor women, as well as federal employees, and military women, will truly bear the brunt of the burden. The average cost of a first trimester abortion in the U.S. is about $450. If I, as a middle-class girl with a savings account and a relatively liberal family am committed to terminating a pregnancy, I can probably figure out some way to come up with that money, even if my parent’s insurance won’t cover it because of the new bill. The same is not the case with every girl my age.

In my hometown of San Antonio, Texas, teen pregnancy is a devastating problem. Texas holds the title for the highest rate of teen pregnancies, while San Antonio is third in the nation for repeat teen birth rates. Additionally, according to state surveys, about 60 percent of San Antonio is Hispanic, the ethnic group with the highest national rate of teen pregnancies (52 percent of Hispanic women become pregnant before the age of 20). Finally, about 20 percent of San Antonio lives below the poverty line. San Antonio is a depressing example of the unfair truth: poor, non-white women are the ones who are most likely to become pregnant at a young age–yet these are the women we would deny abortion care. So even though I am statistically unlikely to get pregnant, if I do, I have a world of options, including a supportive, middle class family with which to raise my child should I choose.

My socioeconomically deprived hometown counterpart does not have my options. When Speaker of the House John Boehner eliminates tax breaks to the struggling company her mother works for because their health insurance plan covers abortion care, the company will change plans. If this nameless girl gets pregnant, (not unlikely, as Texas still only funds abstinence-only education) her mother’s minimum wage job will not allow for a spare $450 and she will likely have the baby. This new mother will be less likely to graduate high school and college and more likely to live in poverty. Her child is more likely to go to jail than if she had been born later, and more likely to get pregnant as a teen herself.

So yes, these bills make me angry. The lawmakers who are trying to pass this bill are the same people who have been choking our youth with abstinence-only education for decades, despite no proof that it is effective in preventing pregnancy or STIs. And now they are trying to effectively deny lower-class women (those arguably most affected by lack of in-school sexual health education) the right to choose when and how they will start a family.

No, I am not completely comfortable with abortion, and I don’t know how I would react if I got pregnant. But that’s why I call myself Pro-Choice–I want the right to choose. Just as importantly, I want the right to pay for an abortion if I elect to have one and I want employers to be able to cover it should they choose. In the end, it is all about choice, and it is unacceptable for our lawmakers to use weak claims of fiscal and personal responsibility to limit mine – or anyone else’s.

Francis is a member of the class of 2014.

  • Anonymous

    People will seek out alternatives, which will likely be less safe. Check out this movie if you haven’t.

  • Jason Hale

    Hi Abbey

    I think that you have some great points; I also feel that you do really love people,but it is unfortunate that you think abortion is a form of birth control. I see your concerns regarding those that are poor and their ability to afford an abortion so they don’t have kids that have no chance to make it (that’s me reading between the lines). You should be helping these women to value their bodies and value their sexuality, not use their sexuality to find the man they think they want or Medicate their pain. The cheapest way to manage your reproductive ability would be to learn to value who you are and value what you have and learn to deal with the pain that leads you to sex.It is very expensive to give your body away even if you don’t get pregnant and “HAVE to have an abortion”. The problem is much bigger then abortion I think. I would like to invite you to really help woman and not keep them in bondage to this fake freedom that abortion offers. I feel that we have set up a co-dependent society that allows women and men to continue to do the things that bring death to themselves and to others. Just think if we allowed people to self medicate themselves with drugs and alcohol without guidelines to keep them from getting behind the wheel of a car and killing innocent bystanders. Sex has always been used to self medicate and unfortunately we don’t have any protection set up for the person or the “rapidly dividing cells” on the other end of the medication binge. The founders of Mothers against drunk driving, (MADD) are heroines in this country and no one can deny that, I invite you to be a hero and fight for the ones who can’t fight for themselves. I think that when you start fighting for life you will find that the same women you love and fight for now will start to live for the first time.

    With Love


  • Anonymous

    What you’re missing is RESPONSIBILITY.

    Go have sex if that’s what you want, but don’t foot the bill to the American people to pay for the consequences of your actions.
    You’re RESPONSIBLE for yourself.

    But of course, you are a Liberal. Liberalism and responsibility don’t fit together, do they?

  • Anonymous

    Also, why do you think the rates of teen pregnancy are so high in impoverished areas?

    Perhaps it’s because they can get an abortion at the tax payers’ expense. Has that ever crossed your mind?

    So what if you’re poor and pregnant? You can just make people like my parents pay for you. You see no loss and continue to have unprotected sex. What the Republicans are doing is ending the “I’M POOR SO REWARD ME FOR DOING NOTHING” mentality. That, by far, is the most logical method to lower teen pregnancy rates in poor neighborhoods.

    This brings up another point. Have you ever wondered if the Democrats don’t really care about the poor?
    The Democrats started the KKK and shot down the Civil Rights Act multiple times. Though you may think the Republican and Democrat ideologies have swapped, it hasn’t. It’s just that their methods for achieving their original goals have changed.
    Keep this in mind: The Democrats are still the slave-owners in this country.
    Think for a minute, but I know you won’t come to an answer, as your Liberal bias will continue to blind you from the truth.

  • Christa

    Thank you, Jason, for speaking the truth in love. Keep up the fight for TRUE life.

  • Mother

    “Though I hold the belief that a fetus is only a person when it first becomes cognizant and able to feel emotion”
    Abbey, what is it before then — a hamster? a toaster? It’s a person from the moment of conception. Just as you were a person from the moment of your conception. I will pray for you.

  • David Schmidt

    How can you be against the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortions Act” yet you want to force taxpayers to pay for abortions? The only insurance plans that can’t cover abortions are when the taxpayer is paying for the plan for someone else. That isn’t limiting of freedom. People can get private insurance with their own money to cover just abortion if they want to. What is abortion?

  • Jason Hale

    Mr. or Mrs. Anonymous
    I love your passion but when we attack other people God will defend them because they are still his kids. We want the prince of the air waves to bow to the feet of Jesus and when we use anger and hate rid and direct it toward people we just join with Satan. Hate of any kind is still hate. I would ask you to stand in the gap for Abbey for she is deceived just as you in your miss directed anger. Ask God how to receive and direct your righteous anger. I say all of this assuming that you have been saved. With love we will overcome all things.

    PS don’t forget to stand behind your words with your name :)

    Jason Hale

  • @ Jason Hale

    No, this “Oh, s/he’s only 18-years-old. Leave him/her alone!” bull shit is what’s wrong with America.

    Liberal kids need to understand their ideology is beyond flawed and ridiculous. Sure, Conservative methods may not be perfect, but Liberalism is pure insanity.

  • Also…

    What I’m saying to her is NOT hate.
    I’m sure this Abbey person has never had a real man confront her and tell her everything she believes is screwed up.
    She probably also attended one of those Liberal high schools and majors in some bull crap like English where you can never be wrong.
    Well, it’s time she actually has someone treats her like a real human being, not like how these emotional, dirtbag, 60-year-old, Liberal professors do by telling her that what she feels is more important that what is right.

    WAKE UP!!! Liberalism is a huge fraud. You and all your ilk better wake the hell up before your Messiah and his criminal Democrat buddies sign your freedoms away.

    And you too, Jason. Though I am not a religious fellow, I know that God doesn’t like white lies.

  • To Abbey

    My words may be harsh, but at least I’m treating you like a real human being.
    Here’s another thought for you:

    Why is abortion legal, but prostitution isn’t (For the most part)?
    Is abortion really about choice, or for a group of eco-nazi shitbags who want to control the population?

  • Abbey Francis

    To all of the previous commenters,

    I appreciate your comments a lot, and I respect your views. As I said, I am unsure about my personal views on abortion, as I have never been in that position (as, I am willing to guess, very few of the commenters have been, particularly obviously the men.) My problem with these bills is that they take away people’s right to choose. If your religion says that abortion is wrong, then I am fine with that, and I think it’s wonderful for you to have the strength to follow that path. However, I don’t presume to know what it’s like to live in another’s shoes, and to be put in the position of having children that you know “have no chance to make it” as Jason aptly said.
    Responding specifically to Jason’s comment (thank you for being respectful and thought-out) I respectfully disagree with you that poor women are drawn to sex as a remedy for pain. I am sure this is sometimes the case, but that is a larger issue. Sex can be an empowering expression of love between two people, if done in the right circumstances. I didn’t have the word space to get into this, but I find the need for abortions at all to be really upsetting. I’d rather see comprehensive sex education in schools that give sexually active teens the tools to make responsible decisions so that they don’t get pregnant in the first place. Since abstinence-only programs have been proven not to work, it makes sense to teach kids how to be safe if we want to prevent abortions. For the record, I also teach classes at local high schools about safe sex and communication. I’m not just talking here.

    Thanks to all those respectful commenters above.


  • Abbey Francis

    PS. Again to Jason, I absolutely do not see abortion as a form of birth control. It does not prevent pregnancy, it ends it. Which is why it’s such a difficult topic.

  • Jason Hale

    I didn’t say that poor people use sex to cover pain I said that people use sex to cover pain. And I do agree with you teaching people to manage an apatite is our biggest concern. And a baby born to a home that can’t afford it doesn’t have to end up hopeless. President Obama can attest to that. I don’t think that in life everything has a do over button.

    And to this other person I would ask some people in your life if you have a anger problem or even hate, because deception by deffinition means you dont know your being fooled

  • Aaron

    Pro-Choice is such a moderate position when you think about it. Which is why I always propose a Pro-Abortion movement, you know, just to help legitimate the moderate position. We could have shirts with pictures of Hitler, Stalin, and Charles Manson with the tagline “What if they had been aborted?” We’re so careful with our social movements today in order to appease the hyper-conservatives. “Oh, well we don’t come off as crazy…” I hear a lot of activists say. But I say: Create Provocations. Some will say this is not legitimate dialogue. It’s not political. But, I disagree. We are so alienated from each other, as I write this online. On facebook, I have the ability to block the voices of those I disagree with from my “news feed.” There’s FOX and MSNBC. “I know what I like / I like what I know.” I know its a sensitive issue, but if you’ve had an abortion, we need to be more prepared to hear about that, take it in as a personal experience. Not only part of a grand political agenda; but also an individual experience. That said, those who’ve had abortions and are comfortable to talk about it, need to step outside of silence and talk about it. While we’re at it, can we also de-mystify vaginas altogether? Can we get some required anatomy classes? Can we come together to debunk the idea that responsibility doesn’t mean enslavement to puritanical morals–that this is also a choice?

    Provocation #1,

  • Aaron

    P.S. – I would also be down for a shirt with the tagline “DEMYSTIFY THIS” with an area towards the genitals.

  • Friend

    Thoughtful essay, Abbey. I don’t know enough about the details of those bills to really say how I feel about them, but I would like to bring up another point, perhaps in contrast to some of the commenters.

    I, too, am pro-choice; however, I do wonder if there is some sort of way to compromise about funding for abortions. I can definitely see the argument against federal funding. Abortions are, for the most part, medically unnecessary procedures which many people have moral objections to. It is important to respect this. I don’t want to fund anyone’s plastic surgery because I believe it is a medically unnecessary choice; similarly, I can understand someone else not wanting to fund an abortion. However, I do believe that pro-choice people, like us, should then consider donating funds to organizations which sponsor the low-income women who want abortions that you mentioned above. Think of this as a voluntary pool of “tax” dollars, just from those willing. Those of us who believe in helping those without the financial resources to get an abortion can pitch in. Our lovely commenters, who obviously don’t agree, won’t have to. I think this brings the concept of “pro-choice” even further. No one should be prevented from getting an abortion (well, except for late term abortions, obviously!) but also no one should have to pay for it if they feel it is morally wrong… Just some food for thought — I don’t necessarily think this disagrees with you, as the laws you discuss don’t seem to be addressing this concept fairly.

    Congrats again on the thoughtful essay, and good luck with the cranky commenters!

    ~~ Friend

    P.S. I appreciate the non-cranky commenters! Jason brings up some very interesting points of discussion, in such a lovely manner :)

  • Law Student

    Abbey –

    I hope you realize that you live in a bubble. Wesleyan will not seriously challenge your belief system. And I question the value of the education that you will receive there (yes, I am an alum).

    If you haven’t already, I would suggest that you read the major Supreme Court cases on abortion (Roe, Casey, Stenberg…). I suggest you pay particular attention to the descriptions of the different partial-birth abortion techniques.

  • Jason Hale

    Here is an artical in the washington post that talks about the two bills if you want to check them out .

    I do appreciate the conversation and I’m not out to WIN a fight just your HEARTS because you all are worth it. I’m not educated on the law but I have done some study on Margret Singer the founder of Planned Parenthood. And she too had a huge heart for the mothers you have Abbey but got tied in with some people that lead her the wrong way. It did turn into population control and race control. The spirit behind abortion is Satan from the beginning it has been death not life that has fueled this thing. On page 117 or 118 of Singer’s autobiography she said that they had kicked around the thought of call birth control “RACE CONTROL”. I just ask that you don’t blind your eye to the chance that what you think your fighting for “freedom” is actually (imprisonment). The top two races that lead in abortion are the Blacks and the Jewish, The holocaust is still happening today but its hiding behind FREEDOM. God Bless you all

    Love you 
