Dawn of a New Era

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The MoCon building has been sitting on campus without a purpose for several years now, and the administration has stated recently that it will likely demolish it. However, many students do not want the building to be destroyed and have ideas for the administration on what to do with MoCon. We have written the best of these ideas here for the administration to consider:

  • Turn the building into a shark tank, and subsequently change the Wesleyan mascot to the sharks.
  • Create a roller rink.
  • Cover the entire roof with bubble wrap.
  • Create a Chuck E. Cheese ball pit.
  • Establish a Gugenheim art museum.
  • Transform the building into a UFO and launch it in 2020.
  • Build a coliseum.
  • Create a planetarium.
  • Build an i-max theater.
  • Construct an indoor theme park (see Mall of America).
  • Create a mall.
  • Transform the building into a synagogue.
  • Establish the Michael Roth School of Business.
  • Establish the Martin Benjamin School of Journalism.
  • Construct an apocalypse shelter for 2012.
  • Turn it into a new location for Bend It At Beckham.
  • Build an indoor farm.
  • Create a Plan B dispenser.
  • Construct a Zoo.
  • Transform into the new Argus office.
  • 90s dude

    It was constructed from the remains of a UFO – but you need to wait for the mothership signal…turn the Van Vleck telescope east, man….

  • Spinoza

    Does no one recall that there is a Nike missile site under MoCon? Access via tunnel.
