This month’s ice cream social, held at Psi U, was another rousing success, as the 200 available tickets sold out in a record 15 minutes. “The Ice Cream Social series has been successful beyond our wildest dreams,” said Wesleyan Social Club founder Donald Jenkins ’10. “I had no idea how much kids at Wes loved getting together with friends on Saturday nights over a sumptuous buffet of ice cream.”

The ice cream socials, started earlier this year in the wake of the ban on hard liquor and kegs, have exploded in popularity as sober and sober-ish people find that dancing and singing loudly and off key to songs popular when they were in 7th grade is not the same in a non-intoxicated state. Enter Jenkins and his social club. “My friends and I thought that we should to look to the past to find a new way to socialize on the weekends. We thought that ice cream would be attractive to everyone looking to have some fun.” After renting the Usdan MPR for the first party, Jenkins was surprised when tickets, substantially priced at $7.00 to cover costs, sold out on the first day. “That’s when I knew we had something. That, or people were mind-numbingly bored. I hope it’s the former.”

Jenkins was especially surprised with the success of the most recent party, considering the competition. “The fact that we sold out so fast, and tickets were going for four times face value, really says something about the popularity of our parties. I mean, we were going up against the Hoedown at Eclectic, the chess tournament at Usdan, the cider-tasting festival on Long Lane, and the key party in the grotto of Alpha Delt.” Next month’s party will feature the addition of frozen yogurt, as well as loud music to obscure the stilted, awkward conversation that’s been a feature of every ice cream social.

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