You think God is perfect? Well he isn’t. It took a lot of trial and error before he got the Ten Plagues just right. Plaguing humanity is not an exact science, just look at Tim Allen’s career. Here are some of the plagues that didn’t quite make it into The Bible and are better off forgotten:

Gold- Love of money is said to be the root of all evil, but the Egyptians somehow didn’t mind this plague too much.

Ladybugs- At first, Egyptians were upset by the destruction of their aphid population, but they eventually recovered and embraced their presence. Generally wishing for more Israelite slaves.

Daylight Savings- The extra hour of darkness each night was an inconvenience but agreed to be a good move. Plus it started the adage, “Spring forward, Fall back”. How fun is that!?

Death of Firstborn Stepchild- Sighs of “Well at least there’s one less mouth to feed,” heard throughout Pharaoh’s land.

Popup Ads- Remember, this happened way back when. Way, way before they had Firefox or ad blockers. This plague caused Egyptians to practically stop using the Internet until the 21st century.

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