So apparently, the humor publications at other schools *cough* Yale *cough* get their own house to have meetings and throw awesome ragers…and we don’t. The Ampersand should have a house. But what type of house should we have? Here are the pros and cons of the houses we’re considering:


Pros: House “makes a statement,” would probably come with a free Eskimo (or Eskimo Pie).

Cons: Not enough snow, would probably be on the melt-y side most of the year.


Pros: Strategic position for throwing snowballs/water balloons, great for stashing comic books and Capri Sun, no girls allowed.

Cons: Exposure to the elements, lack of handicap access, no girls allowed.


Pros: Cheap, low maintenance, small footprint, and the fact that a shack would make the Ampersand significantly more rugged.

Cons: Building itself is probably a fire hazard, lack of ability to fit all writers in a shack.


Pros: Combines the fun of camping with the ancient craft of humor writing; also Smores!!!

Cons: Really hard to throw a rager in a tent.


Pros: Huge space for both parties and the proposed Ampersand Militia. Comes with cows.

Cons: A very large space is hard to maintain, must find someway to get rid of the inedible animals.


Pros: Portability, ease of construction, design of yurt makes it easier to capture and store the white-hot sexual energy of the Ampersand writers to eventually be used for nefarious purposes.

Cons: None.

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