Editors’ note

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So, here’s the good news: Nat and Gelman are doing very well and spreading their brand of comedy throughout the lovely state of New York.

What’s the bad news you ask? You are going to have to deal with us for the next five semesters.

You don’t think that is a bad thing? If you don’t believe us, we beg you to look at our past work. Our first writing piece was a hard hitting news story on why Terry Schivo deserves to die (did you see how ugly she looked?). We then ghost wrote James Frey’s “A Million Little Pieces” and started a blog urging the abolishment of the 11th through 27th amendment (fuck you, may the poll tax live on forever). We spent last summer interning as writers for Michael Richards and most recently started the facebook group “If 10,000 people join this group Barack Obama will consent to have sex with us.” Only five people joined, so we had to rape him.

On second thought, I suppose you should give us a chance. You might like the jokes on abortion and how else will you learn about old basketball players (can you find all the references?)?

Be Gentle,
Brendan and Brian

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