Editors’ Note

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We’re leaving the Ampersand the same way we picked it up: Katie is stressing about making the layout work, and Johann is sitting around doing nothing. When Sara and Matt gave us this thing three years ago, they said, “do this for a year or two, then let someone else take over before you hate it like we do.” Of course we didn’t listen. Not that we hate the Ampersand, but it’s time for some new blood here. So while we’re suffering in the salt mines (assuming they accept our applications, and we haven’t heard from their human resources department in weeks), Nat and Gelman will take over on the home front. We wish them and the rest of the Ampercrew all the best for the future. If you’re graduating with us, see you in the big bad world. If not, look forward to more Ampersand next year!

Love, Johann and Katie

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