I can’t stand that Tom Cruise was robbed once again, this time for his performance in War of the Worlds, in yet another example of Hollywood’s bias against Scientologists. Scientologists are hard-working, perfectly sane people. Personally, I think that the Academy was scared away by the reports repeatedly labeling Mr. Cruise as “crazy.” This pattern of defamation was perpetrated by the international psychiatry cabal, out to ruin the good name of a beloved figure who had figured them out. Really, is there anything crazy about taking your 7-month-pregnant fiancé halfway around the world to a funeral of a man she’s never met before and spending the days leading up to the funeral being paraded around Australia for photo-ops? No. No there is not. Let me tell you the truth about psychiatry:

Psychiatrists are the main figures in a group that intends to take over the world in the next five years, a group that includes the RAND Corporation, the Sheikh of Dubai, the Project for a New American Century, the Stonecutters, and CSS majors.

At least 5,000 psychiatrists have hypnotized their patients into being their sex slaves or drug mules.

Psychiatrists perform puppy abortions for fun.

Psychiatrists, not the Roman Catholic Church, conducted the Inquisition.

Psychiatrists perform lobotomies on their patients so they can eat their brains, which they believe are an aphrodisiac.

These are the kind of people would are trying to ruin a good man trying to teach the world about their global conspiracy. Let’s all support Tom in his fight against psychiatry.

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