Dear community disorganizer: I quote your necktie party’s faux-reflective call to action (Argus, 18 April), signed by 400 folles (and chuck in your fellow wise fous): “Because fraternities are male-exclusive and the possessors of some of our campus’s largest party spaces, they explicitly and implicitly cultivate a gender-based power dynamic that privileges men, the hosts, […]
Written Sunday, April 27; the morning after I saw WesBurlesque 2014. “…With our show, we hope to encourage both performers and audience members to carefully consider any preconceptions or reservations they may have about sexuality…” “ ‘If you don’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?’ –Ru Paul” ——Captions from the […]
In order for change to occur, there must be a unified front to drive it. Strong bonds, an understanding of the issue and those it affects, and an ability to work cohesively are all primary components necessary to properly enforce change. What circumstances exist to inspire these aforementioned elements? Oftentimes it takes only a common […]
When I saw this Facebook group I felt a deep, visceral reaction. It hurt me. Just by belonging to this group, whether intentionally or not, each member contributes to a wall of people who seem to stand against fighting sexual assault. This group was established as a direct response to the movement of students combatting […]
The brothers of Beta Theta Pi agree that something needs to be done to combat sexual assault at Wesleyan more effectively. Sexual assault is sickening, perverted, shameful, and causes serious pain for survivors. Beta Theta Pi wants to work with SART and other student groups to educate students about sexual violence and bystander intervention. Wesleyan […]
A message for incoming freshmen As college decision time approaches, it is important to realize that the community that you choose will inevitably influence you beyond your college career. You don’t come to Wesleyan or any college with the primary goal of developing the institution; while it’s important to acknowledge where you are and the […]
TRIGGER WARNING: The following discusses the issue of sexual assault at Wesleyan and may be triggering for some readers. At the present time, there is an unprecedented political atmosphere on campus that affords our community a tremendous opportunity to take meaningful and effective action to combat campus sexual assault: co-educate and drastically reform our campus’s […]
To the admitted students: You have an enormous choice in front of you: where will I go to college? Choosing can be hard. You may be unsure. How do you decide? Is Wesleyan right for me? Am I right for Wesleyan? Here are our thoughts (with the caveat that school is not your only option): […]
In response to the recent dialogue over the lawsuit and the larger ongoing conversation about Sexual Assault on our campus and beyond, the Students for Consent and Communication (SFCC) want to make ourselves available to you, our fellow students, alumni, faculty, staff and community members, as a resource and a partner in combating sexual violence. […]
When I got to Wesleyan, I thought I had race all figured out. I had traveled through a public school system that taught a unit every fall about the first Thanksgiving. I learned about the Civil War and the North’s triumph over slavery. I celebrated Black History Month by writing bad book reports on my […]