Now that Barack Obama has officially passed the torch to Donald Trump as Commander in Chief, many are terrified that a man so seemingly unpredictable as Trump has control over thousands of nuclear missiles. Scientists have moved the Doomsday Clock closer to midnight, citing the ascent of Trump along with a troubling rise in nationalism […]
If you’re an avid follower of campus activism, you may have noticed that Fossil Fuel Divest has not held any big actions or events this semester. If you’re an avid detractor of campus activism, you have probably been excited that Fossil Fuel Divest has fallen out of sight this semester. If you don’t care, you’re […]
Donald Trump said many indefensible things during his campaign, and some of these careless and stupid comments excited the KKK and other bigots, but the vast majority of the over 60 million people who voted for him are not bigots and cannot be ignored. The Steve Bannon appointment does not help change what I believe […]
When we come to Wesleyan, we are sold on the promise that we will be supported and that our basic human rights will be respected and our needs met. We are told that as long as we are on campus our community will care for us and our administration will ensure our health and safety. […]
The 2016 presidential election has taken a toll on millions of Americans across the nation. Many are going through the five stages of grieving (denial, bargaining, anger, depression, and acceptance) as they have seen their dreams smashed into pieces. I am one of these Americans. Losing Hillary as the President Elect is not so different […]
Dear ResLife and members of the Wesleyan community, We are Students for Consent and Communication, an on-campus group that strives to promote healthy and consensual relationships throughout the Wesleyan community. Naturally, our goal is to protect and support all survivors of sexual assault and to take swift action in any situation that puts them at risk. We are writing today […]
December 1, 2016 Early November 2016, the organization Movimiento Cosecha made a call to action for students on college campuses to join a national walk out in support of making their schools sanctuary campuses. The night before the walkout, the petition letter we drafted demanding that Wesleyan become a sanctuary campus began circulating on Facebook […]
November 28, 2016 Dear President Roth, Board of Trustees, and members of the Wesleyan community, On November 7, the day before the 2016 presidential election, President Roth held a meeting with members of Academic Affairs and the faculty. The purpose of this “Beyond 2020” conversation was to explore ways in which we might invest Wesleyan’s […]
Mr. Stascavage’s claim that somehow what he has learned at Wesleyan University could cement his vote for Donald Trump seems to make sense only within the framework of a self-proclaimed partisanship. As he suggests in his New York Times op-ed “My Liberal University Cemented My Vote for Trump,” Trump’s victory is, for Mr. Stascavage, vindication […]
Dear Saam, My name is Russell, and I’m the class of 2017. I’ve spent most of my time at Wesleyan involved in the arts community, particularly in theater – I have written and directed a few shows at Wesleyan (some of which have been reviewed by you folks), am a Second Stage staff member, and […]