Scroll through a list of rom-coms and you’ll find that most of them center around the classic friends-to-lovers trope. As someone who has had a long-term relationship with someone that I was friends with for years before dating, I understand this fascination with romantic love developing out of friendship. All the time I hear about […]
Over the course of my time at Wesleyan, it has often felt like everyone around me is involved on campus in a million ways and also has a ton of majors. In order to verify if this feeling was true, I took a look at the major reports supplied by Wesleyan. What I found was […]
Psychology, English, government, and computer science: These are some of Wesleyan’s most popular majors. While Wesleyan prides itself on its interdisciplinary approach to learning, this mission is hindered by the fact that the University doesn’t offer minors for many of its most popular departments. Though many people argue that minors aren’t that beneficial in the […]
As I begin my third rewrite of this piece, pushing it back yet another production deadline, I have finally realized that I must go about this piece as personally and explicitly as possible. I have tried words of passivity and words of questioning and words of anger, like many of us regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict, […]
Recently, a letter to the editor was published about the “misandry problem” at Wesleyan. While the letter rightfully points out the damaging effects the patriarchy has on men, as it does on people of all genders, it ignores the bigger picture of why and how we should combat toxic masculinity. It equates misandry to other […]
For each class currently at Wesleyan, along with those who graduated recently, a chunk of time was taken out of their high school or college experiences due to COVID-19. Our current student body is the last of students whose high school and college experiences were largely impacted, as next year’s incoming class would’ve been in […]
The Opinion Section created the column “Argus Apps” to humanize the college application process. Common App essays only ever exist within the framework of college admissions, alongside a list of accomplishments, extracurriculars, and test scores. With “Argus Apps,” we’re revisiting old Common App essays written by Wesleyan students to think about where we’ve been and where we’re going. […]
Christopher Nolan’s biopic recounting the work of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the “father of the atomic bomb,” catalogs America’s development of the humanity-obliterating weapon in a three-hour flick. Yet, Nolan excludes a significant historical component: the atomic bombs’ 200,000 victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Movie-goers flocked to theaters when “Oppenheimer” was released on July 21, 2023. The […]
Right now, I am blissfully in the plausible deniability phase with someone new, where the question marks around our connection make it all the more exciting. Dill and my other close friend are in a similar situation, enjoying the fun of questioning whether the people we are talking to are attracted to us. Since this […]
It was October 2020. I don’t know how I made it onto orthodox Hindu TikTok. Perhaps my ethnicity joined forces with my For You Page and worked against me, or I liked too many videos of cute old ladies frying pakoras in their Delhi apartment kitchens. Regardless, I remember distinctly when my feed suddenly filled […]