Apples and Blueberries: Classic, Foolproof Fall Cooking

September 22, 2013, by Hilary Brumberg, Contributing Writer. Leave a Comment

After about a month of Bon Appétit’s cooking, I really miss home-cooked meals. So, on Friday, a few friends and I took it upon ourselves to cook a Shabbat dinner for about sixty members of the Wesleyan Jewish community. In addition to salad, a very interpretive zucchini quiche, and vegetable lasagna, the menu featured chocolate […]

Breaking The Fast: Yom Kippur And Its Global Implications

September 22, 2013, by Erica DeMichiel, Contributing Writer. Leave a Comment

As an adventurous eater, I appreciate foods of all nations and cultures. From the exquisite decadence of French cuisine to the simple, clean flavors of Japanese food, there are few things I would be reluctant to taste. I admire the devotion of a chef who is always looking for that perfect balance of ingredients to […]

Break Some Eggs, Make an Omelet

September 16, 2013, by Jess Zalph, Food Editor. Leave a Comment

This is how most of my weekend mornings go: first, wake up around 11 a.m. Stare at the clock numbers on my phone for a few minutes, then say, “Nope, not happening,” and fall back asleep. Next, wake up around 1:30 p.m. Wonder fervently what I’m doing with my life, and more importantly, whether I […]

Food Fight: Teaching Children to Want What is Good for Them

September 16, 2013, by Jess Zalph, Food Editor. Leave a Comment

You can’t have dessert until you finish your vegetables. It’s an edict known by most children to the point of being cliché, and I would argue that it is entirely counterproductive. I spent my summer as a counselor at a camp for pre-school children. There were many challenging parts to this job—pulling socks onto wet […]

Soaked Your Phone? Rice to the Occasion!

September 16, 2013, by Eden Jablon, Contributing Writer. Leave a Comment

How many times has your phone, in one incident or another, gotten wet? Even if it hasn’t happened to you yet at Wes, if you’re anything like me then the odds are good that at some point you will have to make a mad dash to Weshop to buy rice. Five points and several hours […]

Dear Diary: Freshman Chronicles Dining Discoveries

September 15, 2013, by Emma Davis, Contributing Writer. Leave a Comment

Since I spent my first week of college in total food confusion, I figured it would be helpful for me to take time to get to know the highlights of the University’s dining options. Living in Clark, my defaults have been Usdan and Pi Café, but after a week of food reconnaissance, I’ve now explored […]

Wesleyan Local Co-op Enters Third Year, Broadens Culinary Options

September 9, 2013, by Abbey Francis, Executive Editor. 1 Comment

On a warm afternoon in early September, about 50 students gathered in a leafy backyard on Home Avenue. Sitting in a loose circle, the students listened as a barefoot Will Curran-Groome ’14 and a long-haired Scott Zimmer ’14 gave a brief introduction of the Local Co-op to those not yet in the know.

Dude, That’s So Chill: Using Your Freezer

September 9, 2013, by Jess Zalph, Food Editor. 1 Comment

In the cases of bank accounts and the hearts of significant others, the concept of “frozen” often gets a bad reputation. This is similarly true with food: the phrase “frozen dinners,” for example, puts forth an image of soggy fries and plastic-y vegetables. Nevertheless, your freezer—or the shared dorm freezer—can make your life a whole […]

Foodstagramming for a Job

September 9, 2013, by Erica DeMichiel, Contributing Writer. Leave a Comment

I confess: I’m a food worshipper. I am eternally planning that next meal: what I’ll eat, where I’ll eat it, and which adventurous person I’ll have in tow as I satisfy my perpetual craving for new and unusual chow. Often to the dismay of my companions (and detriment of my wallet), my stomach leads me away […]

Out of the Woods: Meals in the Middle of Nowhere

September 9, 2013, by Hilary Brumberg, Contributing Writer. 1 Comment

One of the best ways to reward yourself for summiting a high peak out in that thing we call nature—besides the beautiful view from the top—is to cook yourself a delicious and nutritious supper. Being able to look forward to a tasty dinner makes hiking those thousands of feet of elevation in torrential rain and […]

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