On January 24, 1978, a group of rag-tag college students created the first ever Ampersand. With the initial purpose of providing arts and entertainment news from around campus and beyond (in the dark days before the interweb), the Ampersand did not even attempt to be funny until the mid-1990s. This particular edition was edited by James J. Reap, the author of the article at left, along with Alexandra Peers.
Luke Del Tredici & Aaron Hilliard wrote a pilot for a television show called “The Papdits” with numerous legitimate writers. Although the show never got picked up, Del Tredici did write episodes of “All That” and many Comedy Central telethons.
A man named Alec penned this particular “Mono,” published in the December 13, 1994 edition of the Ampersand.
On October 18, 2002 the Argus published a picture of Miss Moldonado struggling with a slow internet connection.
We have been around for thirty years, so naturally we’ve had many Wespeaks written in response to our articles.
Joel Gershon relates all the e-mail experiences he has ever had in this February 1, 1994 article of the Ampersand. It is not particularly funny, but why the hell is his address @wesleyan.eagle.edu?
On December 13, 1994 the most famous Ampersand editor of all-time, Carter L. Bays, wrote his final piece for the Ampersand. Bays would later write for such programs as “American Dad,” “The Late Show with David Letterman,” and create “How I Met Your Mother.”
According to an ongoing Wesleying poll, as of Feb. 21, 85 percent of 255 students wish the University offered the option to be a miner. As major declaration descends upon the Class of 2010, students of all years are voicing concern over the University’s lack of miners.
Thanks a lot for the (insert award name). It’s about time. Do you know how long I have been waiting for this thing? Well, I shouldn’t be too upset. This is going to change my life. I am immediately going to melt this statue down and sell it on e-bay. I am then going to buy the biggest syringe and the smallest amount of heroin possible.
5) The one in Hoboken. Great continental breakfast. I can order my eggs any way I damn well please! Fuck you Stalin. You don’t own me.