Hello friends of The Argus!

We write to you now during our final issue of the semester (and calendar year!), proudly looking back on everything that our wonderful masthead has accomplished this semester. With a group of 37 masthead members and 10 new staff writers, we’re proud to have overseen the incredible dedication, passion, and hard work that everyone put in for each issue.

This semester, we’ve seen incredible News coverage of everything happening around on campus, most recently discussing the potential changes under and the immigration implications of the Trump administration. The section also closely followed the protests surrounding divestment, charges received by student activists, and student sentiments around the Israel-Hamas war. Features has continued their amazing string of WesCelebs, covered election night, pride events on campus, dove into bar night culture, and began a new series spotlighting the foreign language teaching assistants, interviewing them in their native languages. 

The Science and Research subsection of Features highlighted the best of STEM both in and out of the classroom, including Oana Chèvre’s ’26 experience creating a science curriculum in Madagascar and computer science student Anan Afrida’s ’26 quest to organize the University’s first in-person hackathon. The subsection also spotlit some of the incredible work that STEM professors are doing with Office Hours with Professor of the Practice in Quantitative Analysis Robert Kabacoff, Professor of Computer Science Norman Danner, and Professor of Biology Frederick Cohan

Our insightful Arts & Culture staff gave us reviews of the biggest films both new and old, including Hocus Pocus, The Substance, and Challengers. On-campus, student theater has been alive and well this semester, with Spike Tape staging productions of Falsettos, The Trail to Oregon, and The Picture of Dorian Gray. We also saw incredible articles from the Opinion section, discussing homophobia experienced during the study abroad program, harm reduction, pre– and postelection thoughts, and concerns surrounding the new security cameras on campus. 

The Sports section also featured some of the biggest and brightest Wesleyan athletes, including cross country star Liam Calhoun ’26 and soccer goalkeeper Molly Brumbach ’26. Our sports teams did incredibly well this semester, and The Argus covered the victories for field hockey, tennis, women’s and men’s soccer, football, and volleyball teams, and our Sports writers contributed their thoughtful (and sometimes hot) takes on the NFL, MLB, NBA, premier league, college football, and the World Series

The Argus has seen many new initiatives this semester, including our first in-person fundraising event in a long time. During Homecoming weekend, Executive Editor Elias Mansell ’24 BA ’25,  Archivists Sida Chu ’26 and Maggie Smith ’27, and Financial Managers Cindy Jiang ’27 and Lily Goldfine ’25 worked together to provide a space for parents, students, and alumni to look through past issues of The Argus, reminiscing and providing us with the donations we need to support our future. We hope to see next semester’s Financial Managers Jiang and Miles Pinsof-Berlowitz ’27 continue this work into a Reunion event in the spring. Stay tuned for more information about upcoming events! 

Next semester we will be adding two new positions to highlight the work done by our artistically talented and creative staff members: Puzzle Editor Isaiah Rosenn ’28 will be continuing the work he has done to establish our new puzzles and games website, The Argcade, and Comic Editor Ali Eckstein ’26 will continue to publish her own comics while creating a space to bring more artists into The Argus. 

Speaking of websites, we are also delighted to announce that the Ampersand, The Argus’ satirical and humor section, now has its own Substack page so that you can read their delightful pieces online! Our future Web Editors Francisca Wijaya ’27 and Marcus Leong ’28 are working hard to integrate the Ampersand’s substack and The Argcade with The Argus’ main website for easier access to all the incredible work our Puzzle Editor and Ampersand staff are doing. 

While we’re sad to be saying goodbye to The Argus, we are confident that the paper will be in good hands in the spring, led by future Editors-in-Chief Rose Chen ’26 and Chu and supported by future Managing Editor Miles Craven ’27. Our spirits will remain a part of The Argus as we become Executive Editors, and we’re so excited to see all the incredible things the future will bring. 


For the final time, 


Caleb & Carolyn

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