Hello dear readers, 

This Friday marks our last article. In honor of this, we thought we’d be a bit sentimental and take a walk down memory lane. 

When we started this column, neither of us thought that two years would fly by so quickly. We were juniors who were (and still are) a little too obsessed with “Sex and the City.” Carrie Bradshaw, the show’s protagonist and main source of our pillow talk inspiration, is a sex columnist and member of an iconic friend group. The show follows four women through the ups and downs of dating in NYC. As two girls navigating the confusing and exciting world of sex and relationships at Wesleyan, we could relate to the multitude of experiences faced by Carrie and her friends. Thus, this column was born. 

Our first article, “How to Spot a Fake Soft Boy,” was birthed out of our shared experiences being duped by fake soft boys. We channeled our frustrations into a list of qualities that distinguish a fake soft boy from a real one, with the hopes of saving others from the nail-polish-wearing, philosophy-book-reading posers. 

Now—two years and almost 30 articles later—we’ve written from multiple countries during study abroad, as well as through many relationships and heartbreaks. Throughout the past two years, we’ve developed our understanding of ourselves and what we want from relationships with both friends and partners.

Our articles—ranging from “Squirting 101” to “Confessions of a Recovering Codependent”—reflect on topics that we’ve talked about with friends, heard in podcasts, or seen scrolling through TikTok. While we offer bits of advice now and then, we’re really in this learning experience together. Thank you for reading for the past two years. We hope that our column brought you some helpful advice, comfort, or a good laugh.

Good luck out there lovers!


Dill & Doe

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