c/o Collin Holson

c/o Collin Holson

This week, we will be returning to another positional game. This puzzle, created by Chess.com user PawnInTheGame, does not contain any forcing moves or tactical combinations. Although many moves are fine for White, there exists one much stronger continuation, freezing Black’s position. (White to move)

Last Week’s Solution:

  1. Qh6+!! gxh6 (Kxh6 Rh8#) 2. Rxf7#

Magnus offers his queen for an inescapable checkmating sequence. Taking with the king is no help either, because after Kxh6 the king is lured fatally forwards and Rh8# is deadly. Interestingly, this exact combination with the colors reversed can be found in Tukmakov-Vyzmanavin, Soviet Army Team Championship 1986.

Collin Holson can be reached at cholson@wesleyan.edu.

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