c/o Max Vitek, Staff Writer
This week, we will be looking at a well-known position that led the Serbian player Goran Bura to invent one of the most famous moves ever played. In the game, Bura reached the following position at the climax of the middlegame, in which both queens are hanging and black’s knight on e2 is nearly trapped. Can you find the combination that Bura played, slightly changing the structure of black’s position, and winning a piece? (White to move)
Last Week’s Solution:
28. Nd6+! Qxd6 29. Qf7+ Kd8 30. Qxg8+ Qf8 31. Qxf8#
Alireza Firouzja correctly noticed that by deflecting the black queen away from the defense of the f7 and g8 squares, he can push the black king to just the right square and then ladder mate on the back two ranks. With this, Firouzja won his last game in the tournament.