c/o Sofia Baluyut
About the Column:
Poems of Our Climate is a weekly poetry column run by Sofia Baluyut ’23. The column was founded by Oliver Egger ’23 as a part of the literary magazine group Route 9. Submit and read past issues of The Lavender at Route9.org. If you are interested in having your poem featured in this column, Poems of Our Climate, please email your work directly to sbaluyut@wesleyan.edu.
The Met: Month 8 After
Just off the angel atrium where atheist tourists reckoned
with God there was a simple window that overlooked Central Park. The sallowed fog had settled snug on the grass, hung opaque and placated.
I stood in front of the window, looked out over the muted green—
I, full of life!
cried because I was there.
About the Poet:
Stella Tannen is a student who writes sometimes! She loves blueberries and hates heights.