c/o Lauren Cho
Welcome to The Wesleyan Argus’ weekly astrology column: Entering the Unconscious. Each Friday, pick up a copy of the paper to get acquainted with the vibes for the week ahead.
General: Happy Taurus season! As this week begins, the collective will still be feeling the leftover energy from the new moon eclipse in Aries that happened on April 20. This imbued everyone with the energy to initiate new projects and to move forward with plans that align with their higher selves. Now that it is Taurus season, the collective will be vibrating with a slower and steadier pace of life. Take time to appreciate the people around you, enjoy sensual pleasures, indulge in your favorite food, and listen to your favorite music. Mercury is also in retrograde, which has been slowing down communications, causing interruptions and delays, and leading to reoccurring situations between friends and lovers for the past three weeks. People may be more stubborn and less open-minded than usual. This provides the collective with a chance to investigate what lies at the foundations of these viewpoints: are they providing stability, or are they hindering growth and expansion?
Aries: March 21–April 19
This week, you are feeling like a fire burning in your life, causing both chaos and ecstasy. As stability returns to your life, you will be able to focus on your long-term goals. Attention is being brought to the role that money plays in your life: now is the time to revisit any past impulsive actions, as you will have an opportunity to change their impact.
Taurus: April 20–May 20
Happy birthday, Taurus! This week, you are given the opportunity to say words that have remained unsaid for too long. This communication comes from your desire to reestablish a sense of comfort where stifled aggression has existed in the past. Any difficulties that occur this week will provide you with a chance to grow. Explore the ways in which you feel nurtured.
Gemini: May 21–June 21
These past few weeks, your relationships have taken center stage, and this weekend is no different. There is a dual energy in your relationships right now: some are fun and flirty, while others are more serious. Later in the week, you will receive good news that will, hopefully, bring you more clarity. Listen to your intuition this week—it has something to tell you.
Cancer: June 22–July 22
These past few weeks, you have been pushed to expand and grow in the areas of work and ambition. Your experiences have been taking you outside your comfort zone.
Leo: July 23–August 22
This weekend, the universe is shining a light on your friendships, and you are doing what you do best: having fun! The universe is asking you to momentarily set aside any subconscious worries or fears that you have. If the past has been on your mind, don’t overanalyze things—the answers you have been seeking will come to you.
Virgo: August 23–September 22
This week, arising challenges are trying to bring you back to places in your life that may need revision or less attention. Your impulse to analyze is helpful in the logical part of life, but when the illogical takes over, analysis leads to confusion. Look less closely at things—instead, pay attention to how they feel. This week, listen to an unexpected source of wisdom.
Libra: September 23–October 23
This is a great week for you, Libra, as you begin to feel more in control and decisive. You are enjoying the fun energy coming to you in your relationships, and now is a great time to travel somewhere with your significant other or someone else special. Alternatively, frustrations in the workplace are being rehashed, but they will soon come to a conclusion.
Scorpio: October 24–November 21
This week, you are given the opportunity to look on the brighter side of life. Your impulse is to dive deep. However, sometimes this can make you and others uncomfortable. This week, the universe will send you good vibes that remind you of a time when you had less responsibility. Later this week, you will feel an increase in energy, pushing you to expand upon this newfound levity.
Sagittarius: November 22–December 21
This weekend, you are focusing on your relationships. You are having conversations that lead to more intimacy and feelings of connection between you and your significant other, friends, or family. Alternatively, a stable routine during this time will bring you a sense of well-being and good health.
Capricorn: December 22–January 19
This week, the universe is shedding light on the philosophical part of your life. You are turning towards your values and ideas and rethinking how they support the ways you enjoy life. Alternatively, you are very lucky this week, and this is giving you a burst in energy that you have been missing. Change is coming.
Aquarius: January 20–February 18
This week, you are taking a turn towards your inner life. Stability and a sense of being nurtured may have been missing from your day-to-day life for a while, but this shift is reestablishing a sense of stability upon which you may rebuild the foundations in your life. Alternatively, your words have power this week: speak good things into existence!
Pisces February: 19–March 20
A sense of confusion has been lingering around you for a while. However, engaging in play or silly activities can melt the ice of seriousness that has settled around you. This week, look towards someone that you consider stable, reach out, and ask them for advice: what they tell you may be surprising, but enlightening.
Nicholas Summerson can be reached at nsummerson@wesleyan.edu